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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2009
My main computer is a 2017 iMac but as a secondary computer I have an old Macbook Pro 15-inch (Mid-2009) with 8Gb of RAM and 500Gb Samsung SSD. Just replaced the Superdrive with a new one because it broke a year ago. I have this computer still with Yosemite, because I haven't got the need to upgrade and I always thing "If ain't broke, don't touch it".

But now I find that El Capitan is needed to run the latest version of Ableton Live 10 Suite.
What is your experience when upgrading an old MBP from Yosemite to El Capitan?
Does it worth it? Does it run smooth enough? Better? Same? Worse?

Thanks in advance
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