How exactly would removing cydia make your battery life doubled?
How exactly would removing cydia make your battery life doubled?
I was wondering that too...
It doesn't. Odds are he had OpenSSH installed and wasn't savvy enough to install BossPrefs to turn it off. Battery life problem solved.
OpenSSH is not even running unless a user is connected. It's just a file structure associated with launchd which is always running anyway. Unless you are actually connected via SSH, there's nothing running on your phone.
I thought this myth has already been busted, but here we are again with people who know little to nothing trying to tell the world how BSD systems work.
Jailbreaking your phone doesn't make you an expert. I'm getting tired of it...
Then explain how my battery life improved when the only thing that I did was turn off SSH with BossPrefs. The amount of time I spent on my iPhone doing something was the same but my battery life greatly improved. As much as people want to say that SSH doesn't burn up battery, everything I've seen on my iPhone and on my friend's 3G proves it wrong.
OpenSSH is not even running unless a user is connected. It's just a file structure associated with launchd which is always running anyway. Unless you are actually connected via SSH, there's nothing running on your phone.
I thought this myth has already been busted, but here we are again with people who know little to nothing trying to tell the world how BSD systems work.
Jailbreaking your phone doesn't make you an expert. I'm getting tired of it...
I can't explain something that is patently untrue. But my answer would be that you're full of crap and I would insert the above explanation of why OpenSSH has no affect on battery life.
Like I said, if you are seeing battery life reduced when OpenSSH is enabled then it is 100% psychosomatic.
A few noobs get their iPhones and use them all day long until the battery dies and they want something to blame it on, so they blame OpenSSH. Then everyone rushes to the same theory without even thinking about it and without any knowledge of how OpenSSH actually even works... So now that everyone is saying "OpenSSH kills your battery" it gives you the illusion that it's true which only reinforces your psychosomatic delusions.
And what makes you such an expert with the iphone?
The fact that you're a newbie and he's a 68000.
But really... If you know how computers (it's a piece of software people) work you'd realize that it's not a service that's always running. The computer listens for access to port 22 and when it gets a hit is starts up an SSH connection. TADA! It doesn't effect your battery power.
As far as a program being installed making your battery drain. Not even possible.
What is likely happening is something I've noticed several times. If I exit Cydia when it's downloading packages it gets stuck in a mode where it's getting network data with the progress pinwheel spinning. That could indeed cut your battery life down a ton! So just be a little patient and wait for it to finish before you close. If the force quit would work on Cydia it wouldn't be a problem though.
haha so just because i just opened this account yesterday makes me a newbie? Your joking right..
And what makes you such an expert with the iphone?