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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2009
Okay so I called apple support and here's what they told me... that there's no way you can just store your purchased movies on AppleTV's drive. Apparently it would automatically sync to your itunes on your mac and generate two copies - one on your appletv and the other on your mac.

here's my quams about that (although from a backup perspective it is good)... i'd like to have my mac just for music and work documents and no movies. I'd prefer to use my appletv to store my movies since it has a dedicated harddrive....

is this true? Can anyone confirm this for me?
Don't know about purchased movies (never done it), but yes, you can store ripped movies only on AppleTV. Import into iTunes and allow to sync, then in iTunes right click on the movie file and go to "Show in Finder." Delete and trash the file from Finder (but don't get rid of the file icon in iTunes, otherwise you'll lose the copy on AppleTV the next time it syncs). If you do that and try to click on the file icon in iTunes it'll give you the prompt that it cannot be found and ask if you'd like to locate it. However, the copy will be on your AppleTV and not in your computer's HD.

Do not connect your AppleTV to iTunes. As long as you have an internet connection to buy/rent the movies, you don't need to have a computer at all for this.
Do not connect your AppleTV to iTunes. As long as you have an internet connection to buy/rent the movies, you don't need to have a computer at all for this.

But don't forget that Apple TVs, like anything else, can fail. If you don't have a backup of your purchased movies & TV shows, you're SOL.
Yes this is true. My iTunes is on my powerbook with all music and movies/tv shows on an external hard drive. If I move the laptop without the external hard drive and it syncs with the Apple TV's (have two), it removes any purchased music, tv show or movie ever purchased off of the Apple TV. It's a flaw. You won't lose it, but I have to hook the external hard drive back up and re-sync it to the Apple TV's. I am now considering de-authorizing the powerbook iTunes and putting it on my windows xp desktop. This wouldn't be an issue since the external hard drive would never need to be unplugged. Suppose the biggest pain is reformatting the external hard drive so it can work with XP.
You can always make a backup of movies, etc. after syncing to AppleTV and before taking them off iTunes. If AppleTV goes haywire and you don't have a physical copy of it, well, it wasn't yours to begin with.
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