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law guy

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
The big, color B&H source book catalog arrives in your mail box. They send them to folks who have ordered and you can also request one from B&H. It's a lot of fun to flip through - lighting set-ups, of course cameras, all sorts of electronics, software, etc... They used to be black and white for years and now they're in color. They still list all the pro / hard to find films that I used to love the book for. Having them listed is fun because you come across things you didn't know were out there while browsing. It takes me back to looking through those big catalogs we used to get from Sears, JC Pennys and Montgomery Wards when I was a kid. Mine arrived today. This year, I'm more interested in some of the lighting packages than I have been in recent years. A mini set-up would be nice and there are a few for around $500.

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002
Yes! I should get mine any day now.

Funny, I'm looking into a studio lighting setup as well.


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2006
thanks alot all. i requested mine. ill be sleeping out at the mailbox till it comes :D
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