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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 7, 2013
Hello, i ve been switched from iOS to Android since 3 years and now i am back in iOS
I would know if you have some app suggestions
Name a list of your 10 best apps
On Android, what i liked its some tiny apps developed by enthusiast, sometime open source and free of ads (not even a paid version included), i wish i could get similar apps on iOS

What kind of apps were you using on Android?
To name a few great iOS apps:

Twitter: Tweetbot 4
E-mail: Airmail or Spark
RSS feeds: Feedly, Heartfeed, TechPort
TV: iTV Shows
Weather: BeWeather 2 (app and great Notification Center widget), Bergfex Pro (snow in the alps), AlpenCams (widget)
(Offline) navigation: Galileo, Here Maps
Video (from e.g. NAS): Infuse 3 pro or nPlayer
Music (from e.g. NAS): nPlayer
Music streaming with offline feature: MusicSense, Soundflake, Baboom, Artist Union, CloudBeats Pro (from Dropbox)
Podcasts: Downcast
Grocery list: AnyList
Quick launch: Launcher (widget), Workflow
Games: PayaPaya (puyo puyo like)
Swipe keyboard: Swype, Path Input, Go Keyboard, Microsoft Word Flow (currently US only)
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