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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 29, 2009
Please give me your opinion about the readability of this logo.

Thanks in advance – fahzwell


  • Cushe  Logo.jpg
    Cushe Logo.jpg
    86.8 KB · Views: 159
It's not that its unreadable, but the "cu" curve doesn't seem to match the curves in the other letters. Just my 2¢ - overall its good & the colour is nice & vibrant which is good for reading
There is a slight readability issue with "cu" portion.
The pair could conceivably be read as a lower case "ai".

Also, the curved section of the c that curves downward into the u is slightly "impure".
ie: the curve is slightly disharmonious with the shapes surrounding it, which all have very clean lines.

Overall, it's a very nice logo design.
Reads very much like 'au'.

The feel of the 'cu' next to the rest of the letters and then the figure are very different. You need to work on getting the flow though the logo working I think.

Also the registration mark is in a horrible position.

These sound like major points but I think an hours tweaking you would have it perfect! Good job so far :)
Uh. What does it say? :eek:

I was trying to get some variant of Aussie (Au-she?).
like others have said, it's hard to read...

It's hard to get the "C" to read as a "C" with the top of it closed off.

I like the guy/icon very much, but I would make the foot sit flat on the "floor", something about the way the toe points up that bothers me.

nice start
What is the point of having the ® in the center of the C? I understand it is required with logos, but why there? I think it distracts you from the logo. I also dont see the letter C. And the curve is odd and doesnt flow with the rest of the design.
Am I the only one who thinks there's no way on earth you can use that figure?

He looks like he's crouched down to defecate.
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