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^^ CoolMacLover

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 26, 2009
On A Apple
So seeing how many people hate the new icon, show us the one u have picked.
Try and also put a link to where you got it, or where you can get it :D

Mine :-



quick time X style ;)

Nice one. That is exactly what I saw in my head when I thought about redesigning it. Maybe a little smaller to better match Quicktime icon.

Apple really are away with the fairies with this new logo. Apart from the fact it looks like a 1st year design student has discovered gradient fills and created a 'masterpiece' they take away the CD as they see CDs as irrelevant. Which is fine, I sort of agree with that. But along the same sort of principle is the fact that they simply use a musical note. iTunes does more than play music and if they are trying to show that iTunes has moved on from CDs why not also show its moved on in the fact it now plays all kinds of media. A play button (if not a little clichéd) is a much more relevant icon.
Nice one. That is exactly what I saw in my head when I thought about redesigning it. Maybe a little smaller to better match Quicktime icon.

Don't forget that he has seemed to enable the setting which allows the dock to zoom in on where ever the cursor is so that's why that icon appears bigger than the Quicktime logo :)
Don't forget that he has seemed to enable the setting which allows the dock to zoom in on where ever the cursor is so that's why that icon appears bigger than the Quicktime logo :)

Good point. :)

I dont use it so always forget about that. :D
Don't forget that he has seemed to enable the setting which allows the dock to zoom in on where ever the cursor is so that's why that icon appears bigger than the Quicktime logo :)

exactly. for size comparison

oh, I forgot its source: if you want it too, grab it there
When you think about it, the redesign was a good idea. Maybe not well executed, but the old icon has a freakin' CD on it. Who uses CDs anymore? :) I haven't touched my optical drive for a good year now.
Noob question here, how do I go back to the old one? What do I need and where do I get it?
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