Friday i received a used rokinon/walimex/samyang/bowers 14mm 2.8 umc that i bought on ebay.
It was advertised as being scratch free. At a first glance it looked fine to me.
On the weekend i took it to a session with video and photo.
When i looked through the video footage i noticed some lens flare that looked like it was caused by a dirty lens (I was filming almost directly into the sun) so i took a fibercloth to clean it. Thats when i noticed some damage/specks on the front element that i couldnt remove but even feel with my finger.
The specks are very very small and superficial. There is one though thats deeper and 1/5 inch long and about 0.5 mm broad. I can see it through the viewfinder but i took some test shots and it is completely invisible even on f22.
The lens only cost me 160€ and new its about 340€.
I know i will not get this lens cheaper and overall i am very satisfied with it. Lensflare only shows up under special lighting conditions.
I know that this damage was not caused by me and now i am contemplating on contacting the seller.
What would you do?
Do you think the lens still has resell value?
It was advertised as being scratch free. At a first glance it looked fine to me.
On the weekend i took it to a session with video and photo.
When i looked through the video footage i noticed some lens flare that looked like it was caused by a dirty lens (I was filming almost directly into the sun) so i took a fibercloth to clean it. Thats when i noticed some damage/specks on the front element that i couldnt remove but even feel with my finger.
The specks are very very small and superficial. There is one though thats deeper and 1/5 inch long and about 0.5 mm broad. I can see it through the viewfinder but i took some test shots and it is completely invisible even on f22.
The lens only cost me 160€ and new its about 340€.
I know i will not get this lens cheaper and overall i am very satisfied with it. Lensflare only shows up under special lighting conditions.
I know that this damage was not caused by me and now i am contemplating on contacting the seller.
What would you do?
Do you think the lens still has resell value?
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