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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 27, 2009
Based on specs, it looks like my poor Mac Pro 2.8 is out dated.

What do you think of the new PC's compared to the Mac Pro 2.8 Quad?

Vs. a single processor Mac Pro, yeah, probably faster.

But Sandy Bridge doesn't come in dual processor configurations yet, so a dual processor Mac Pro would still be way faster.
Do you need more calculating power or why do you consider ditching your half year old Mac Pro?

And a computer is outdated as soon as it is released, as there is something better already on its way.
Your Mac Pro is still only few months old. New technology is released all the time but it doesn't mean that your old one becomes slow or outdated. The only thing that matters is does it still suit for your needs.
Heh, I have the same setup as the OP (2.8 MP 2010), and I consider it very much current, it certainly hasnt been slowed by anything Ive thrown at it (Final Cut Studio, Logic, CS4, Heavy XCode) - heck for me just the OS (and Hardware-Software integration) makes it better than any PC.
first off you purchased a 2.8 quad and if you did post a screen shot to show you do have a 2.8 quad and you are not a common troll.

Second off it was out dated the day you purchased it. The 3.2 quad was 15% faster.. THe 6 core 3.33 is faster yet. We all know computers get faster every 6 months or so.

the exception being the 2010 mac mini vs the 2009 mac mini (in many but not all cases the 2009 is faster)

so if you are real (by real an owner of a 2010 quad 2.8) what is your point? If anyone should complain it would be a hex 3.33 buyer not a quad 2.8 buyer such as myself or yourself.
I am not a troll, I just purchased the Mac Pro, so I am within my 14 days.

I was thinking I could exchange it for a MBP and get the PC for the desktop.

Not sure if it would be worth spending all that money just to get the latest i7.

I am not a professional and just game from time to time and do web development.
I am not a troll, I just purchased the Mac Pro, so I am within my 14 days.

I was thinking I could exchange it for a MBP and get the PC for the desktop.

Not sure if it would be worth spending all that money just to get the latest i7.

I am not a professional and just game from time to time and do web development.

Then the MP seems to be overkill and you might save some pennies with a cheaper PC and an MBP.
What do you think of the new PC's compared to the Mac Pro 2.8 Quad?

Well, one of them runs Windows, the other one OS X.

Is there more to say? :confused:

What's your point? If you already think of ditching the Pro, then yes, for gods sake buy the HP. There is absolutely no doubt that it is faster than the Pro, if that's what you're after.
I am not a troll, I just purchased the Mac Pro, so I am within my 14 days.

I was thinking I could exchange it for a MBP and get the PC for the desktop.

Not sure if it would be worth spending all that money just to get the latest i7.

I am not a professional and just game from time to time and do web development.

where is the screen shot of about this mac? but seriously if you purchased it and have doubts about it send it back.
I can post it later, I am at work now on a PC. :(

If I keep the Mac Pro, I need to put windows on it to play Black Ops.

So I was thinking the PC would be better for games and just get a nice mac laptop as I have a small room and cannot have two desktops.
you do realize , that for games the GPU is more important than the CPU and that macs are known for their average performing GPU's?

And are SLI and Crossfire actually supported in bootcamp? (without some hack)

My opinion, you should have bought a pc, spend less on the CPU and more on the GPU. That is, if you really are a hardcore gamer, cause they usually know that the GPU is way more important to them.

edit: now I I've read the whole thing and see you are only a casual gamer. but the point remains the same, if you wantend the best gaming performance for you buck, get a pc . just my 2 cents.
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where is the screen shot of about this mac? but seriously if you purchased it and have doubts about it send it back.

Why is this particular forum filled with people who doubt posters' purchases? Doesn't seem to be the case in the others. I don't have a Mac Pro, but if I did and had a question, I think I'd take it somewhere where the inhabitants didn't ask for proof of possession first.
Why is this particular forum filled with people who doubt posters' purchases? Doesn't seem to be the case in the others. I don't have a Mac Pro, but if I did and had a question, I think I'd take it somewhere where the inhabitants didn't ask for proof of possession first.

I have seen too many trollers ask questions like this. If he is just someone that has had second thoughts about his purchase its fine by me.

BTW I have never asked anyone this question until today. I also don't see a screen shot or any proof yet that he really does own one. Also here are his last few questions that he started. all bashing macs
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I have seen too many trollers ask questions like this. If he is just someone that has had second thoughts about his purchase its fine by me.

BTW I have never asked anyone this question until today. I also don't see a screen shot or any proof yet that he really does own one.

He said he's at work, but really why does it matter? It's not like he said anything inflammatory.
yes read my post above. I remembered his other threads and listed them

Nice detective work :D (Also, he seems to have had iMac, MP, what next, a PowerMac G6?) - Still, Id say he should get a PC Desktop and a Mac Laptop and be done with it - I personally say my Mac Pro is superior to any Windows machine out there, whatever its specs (Mainly as Im addicted to Final Cut Pro... and the Terminal) - (P.S. Ive posted pics of my pride and joy in the setups place so I do actually own a 2.8Quad with Cinema.)
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro5,1
Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 8 MB
Memory: 3 GB
Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
Boot ROM Version: MP51.007F.B03
SMC Version (system): 1.39f11
SMC Version (processor tray): 1.39f11
Serial Number (system): YM0360XMEUE
Serial Number (processor tray): J5034071LCZJB
Hardware UUID: 563D381B-FCAF-5A9E-9903-2BCC198DDE6A

I don't know were anyone got the idea that I am bashing macs. Did I not say I was thinking of getting the MBP instead. If I hated macs, I would return it and just get a PC. My other links as soneone has pointed out were questions I had as I was having problems. I guess I cannot ask questions without being labeled as a troll or bashing macs. I only use windows for gaming, all my software is mac based because windows does not provide me with any solutions I like better. Finance, web development, word processing are all done on mac using mac software. I do not know how to take a screen print, so I pasted the above.

I tend to be fussy and that is why I had several macs, last I heard that was not a crime. I must say I no longer feel welcome on this forum.

I like the latest technology and when I saw the HP i7 Sandy Bridge, I got an impulse to buy it.

I can see by the responses, that speed alone is not enough to justify buying a PC. I had problems with this Mac Pro as I installed it initially from a Time Machine Backup and it kept reporting my memory cards were installed correctly. I got fed up and reinstalled OSX from disk and manually installed every app I purchased. Now it seems to be running fine. I do not know what caused this, my last mac did not do this.

Anyway I am a mac owner for life, regardless what mac I purchase. If Black Ops ran on a OSX, I would not even install windows.

Also I tend to have OCD, and this is something that I battle with from time to time. Last I heard, no one was perfect.

Well, enough said...
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro5,1
Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 8 MB
Memory: 3 GB
Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
Boot ROM Version: MP51.007F.B03
SMC Version (system): 1.39f11
SMC Version (processor tray): 1.39f11
Serial Number (system): YM0360XMEUE
Serial Number (processor tray): J5034071LCZJB
Hardware UUID: 563D381B-FCAF-5A9E-9903-2BCC198DDE6A

I don't know were anyone got the idea that I am bashing macs. Did I not say I was thinking of getting the MBP instead. If I hated macs, I would return it and just get a PC. My other links as soneone has pointed out were questions I had as I was having problems. I guess I cannot ask questions without being labeled as a troll or bashing macs. I only use windows for gaming, all my software is mac based because windows does not provide me with any solutions I like better. Finance, web development, word processing are all done on mac using mac software. I do not know how to take a screen print, so I pasted the above.

I tend to be fussy and that is why I had several macs, last I heard that was not a crime. I must say I no longer feel welcome on this forum.

I like the latest technology and when I saw the HP i7 Sandy Bridge, I got an impulse to buy it.

I can see by the responses, that speed alone is not enough to justify buying a PC. I had problems with this Mac Pro as I installed it initially from a Time Machine Backup and it kept reporting my memory cards were installed correctly. I got fed up and reinstalled OSX from disk and manually installed every app I purchased. Now it seems to be running fine. I do not know what caused this, my last mac did not do this.

Anyway I am a mac owner for life, regardless what mac I purchase. If Black Ops ran on a OSX, I would not even install windows.

Also I tend to have OCD, and this is something that I battle with from time to time. Last I heard, no one was perfect.

Well, enough said...

*puts on apologetic hat* Sorry if I was rude/offensive - I made the PMG6 remark as a vague stab at the entire ridiculousness of you not being able to find a desktop mac that works for you - were all suspicious of trolls as on average I see maybe 10-15 posts across this forum sometimes less, sometimes more, but on average 10-15 posts a week of rubbish trolling - many start "I bought a Mac Pro and this that and the other is wrong with it. Apple sux lolololol" - hence the suspicious culture we've built up.

Taking a screenshot is a simple matter - you need to open the window you wish to screenshot, and then go to Applications > Utilities and open - thats the OS X Screenshot app.
Thanks for sharing on how to do a screenshot. :)

I appreciate you responding to me and I hold no hard feelings. :cool:
I know I can try some peoples patiences at time, as I tend to have a hard time making decisions.
Thanks for sharing on how to do a screenshot. :)

I appreciate you responding to me and I hold no hard feelings. :cool:
I know I can try some peoples patiences at time, as I tend to have a hard time making decisions.

First off no problem :) Also, I was the same when I bought my Pro, I had the debate between 27" iMac fully upgraded, or base MP with the Cinema, and I went with the MP with Cinema, just as its much better configured (I like the ability to upgrade and have semi-guaranteed connectivity for the next few years - USB3, LightPeak etc) - it took me a while to click the purchase button it has to be said - but im incredibly glad I did :D
I watched your unboxing of the 27"

I had this also, but had to return it because the stand was bad.
I opted not to get it and purchased a Samsung PX2370 monitor.
I must say, after having the 27" cinema, the samsung does not cut it.

I am going to return the monitor.

I heard that the 27" cinema is a tad better in image quality as compared to the imac. I do not know if this is true.

Anyway, I think I am going to spring for it this weekend.
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro5,1
Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 8 MB
Memory: 3 GB
Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
Boot ROM Version: MP51.007F.B03
SMC Version (system): 1.39f11
SMC Version (processor tray): 1.39f11
Serial Number (system): YM0360XMEUE
Serial Number (processor tray): J5034071LCZJB
Hardware UUID: 563D381B-FCAF-5A9E-9903-2BCC198DDE6A

I don't know were anyone got the idea that I am bashing macs. Did I not say I was thinking of getting the MBP instead. If I hated macs, I would return it and just get a PC. My other links as soneone has pointed out were questions I had as I was having problems. I guess I cannot ask questions without being labeled as a troll or bashing macs. I only use windows for gaming, all my software is mac based because windows does not provide me with any solutions I like better. Finance, web development, word processing are all done on mac using mac software. I do not know how to take a screen print, so I pasted the above.

I tend to be fussy and that is why I had several macs, last I heard that was not a crime. I must say I no longer feel welcome on this forum.

I like the latest technology and when I saw the HP i7 Sandy Bridge, I got an impulse to buy it.

I can see by the responses, that speed alone is not enough to justify buying a PC. I had problems with this Mac Pro as I installed it initially from a Time Machine Backup and it kept reporting my memory cards were installed correctly. I got fed up and reinstalled OSX from disk and manually installed every app I purchased. Now it seems to be running fine. I do not know what caused this, my last mac did not do this.

Anyway I am a mac owner for life, regardless what mac I purchase. If Black Ops ran on a OSX, I would not even install windows.

Also I tend to have OCD, and this is something that I battle with from time to time. Last I heard, no one was perfect.

Well, enough said...

Please accept my apologies. We have a lot of trolls. You posted a lot of complaints over the last month.

As someone that has a bit of OCD myself I can say honestly that I can buy a lot of gear that I am not happy with. You should read my rants on the 2010 mac mini. Which I sold and purchased two 2009 minis instead! I have had a lot people tell me I am wrong about the 2010 mini. I have been called a spammer on a site that I have posted on for 8 years! I felt a bit insulted myself. I am also sitting in my home after another freaking snowstorm
I got plowed back in and have to go dig out again. So I say again feel free to post. Pay no attention to us if we are too hasty to be a bit nasty.
I watched your unboxing of the 27"

I had this also, but had to return it because the stand was bad.
I opted not to get it and purchased a Samsung PX2370 monitor.
I must say, after having the 27" cinema, the samsung does not cut it.

I am going to return the monitor.

I heard that the 27" cinema is a tad better in image quality as compared to the imac. I do not know if this is true.

Anyway, I think I am going to spring for it this weekend.

the 27 inch imac is a nice picture so if the ACD is better it would be nice to have.
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