YourSms - best collection of SMS for every day. You can always find something suitable. Updates SMS database - as a menu item in the application. You can get a new sms when you will be more convenient !
Sms favorite , humor sms , sms greetings - you will always be at hand. Send / sms can copy directly from the app ! Simply select sms, swipe to the left, and menu appears!
No longer need to sit down and invent text sms, all SMS in your phone! Send your wishes , greetings, fun to the friends, lovers. And if someone has hurt you, you'll always find what to say !
AppStore -
Sms favorite , humor sms , sms greetings - you will always be at hand. Send / sms can copy directly from the app ! Simply select sms, swipe to the left, and menu appears!
No longer need to sit down and invent text sms, all SMS in your phone! Send your wishes , greetings, fun to the friends, lovers. And if someone has hurt you, you'll always find what to say !

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