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Original poster
Nov 2, 2021
I had bought myself a refurbished M1 iPad Pro a few weeks ago. It was a really great device, however I noticed that YouTube videos on 60fps were extremely stuttery and dropped to 30fps for just one second, before ramping up to 60 again. But this happens every 20 seconds, making it very annoying yo watch videos. Now first I thought my iPad had a defective screen and that it may have something to do with the promotion display causing stutters, so I returned that unit.
now, I was in need of a new iPad as my 10.5 iPad Pro is getting old these days, I bought a brand new M2 iPad Pro. And boom, it also experiences the same stutter issues when watching 60fps videos. Now I headed to my local Apple Store and checked out the display units, they pretty much all exhibited this same behavior, so at least I’m glad that I didn’t get a defective unit. After checking my iPhone 13
Pro Max for this behavior, I noticed that it too stutters.
after reading online, I came to the conclusion that it has something to do with the VP9 codec used in both the YouTube app and the website via safari. Apparently, that’s an ongoing issue for years, but many people don’t seem to notice the stuttering.

now I really hope this gets fixed soon, as it’s really frustrating buying a new iPad Pro for over $1000 and it can’t even watch YouTube videos properly.

the videos I used for testing are the following:


Original poster
Nov 2, 2021
What happened? I can’t see anything in the video. iPhone 14 Pro here.
Sluggish replay. The font for example scrolls perfectly fine, and then all of the sudden starts to wabble and jitter (I’m aussuming a frame drop to 30fps at that moment), before going back to smooth after around a second. And yes, I’ve already tried switching WiFi networks, used cellular data for video playback and even downloaded the videos (YT premium feature)


Original poster
Nov 2, 2021
I forgot to mention that my old 10.5” iPad Pro didn’t show any signs of that happening ever. Maybe because it doesn’t work with newer codecs?!
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Original poster
Nov 2, 2021
What happened? I can’t see anything in the video. iPhone 14 Pro here.

Edit: saw it in second video at around 50 seconds mark.
It’s weird, right? And it isn’t even reproducible at a fixed time stamp, it only happens random, so one may have to watch the videos twice in order to notice it. Also, I just tested it on my brothers iPad 9, which doesn’t have a ProMotion display, and it stuttered as well. Really makes me believe that it’s something with video codec support at this point.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2020
So, let's say, the same behavior occurs on the device without background processes/apps and with disabled Photo +iCloud Drive sync (if active or if them shuffle hordes of data)?

I'd recommend trying alternatives (though sideloading) like this one:

How to install:
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