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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.

So, Zatanna, Mistress of Magic, came to me and said "Since you've been playing with reversing file names with Applescript, can you write one to help me cast my spells?"*

Well, not being one to say "no" to a witch, I figured I'd give it a try.

As we all know, Zatanna says her spells by speaking backwards...but only the backwards words, forward sentences.

set alphabet to characters of "abcdefghijklmnopqestuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'-"
set theword to ""
set thespell to ""

(* Ask for spell, forward words *)
display dialog "Enter your spell:" default answer ""
set sentence to text returned of result
#set sentence to "This is a magic spell"

set slist to characters of sentence
#log slist

(*find words, revese them, add them to spell. Keep punctuation as is*)
repeat with theletter in slist
	if theletter is in alphabet then
		set theword to theword & theletter
		set thespell to thespell & " " & (the reverse of characters in theword as string) & theletter
		set theword to ""
	end if
end repeat

(*add final word to spell if needed*)
if theword is not "" then
	set thespell to thespell & " " & (the reverse of characters in theword as string)
end if

(* Remove extra spaces *)
#set thespell to ((characters 2 thru -1 of thespell) as string)

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set textItems to every text item of thespell
repeat with x from 1 to count my textItems
	if item x of my textItems = "" then set item x of my textItems to missing value
end repeat
set thespell to text of my textItems as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
#return thespell

set the clipboard to thespell
display dialog thespell

(I found the script at the end to get rid of the extra spaces at

Is there a better way to go about this? Someway to clean up the code?
(I know it doesn't deal with capitalization...googling looks like that's a headache for applescript).
I don't want to give someone who can turn me into a newt a bad program.

(* It was actually my friend, Andy, but isn't this story more fun? :D)
AppleScript knows about words, so if you don't care about punctuation, you can do something like:

set sentence to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your spell:" default answer "This is a magic spell")

set reversed to ""
repeat with aWord in (words of sentence)
	set reversed to reversed & ((reverse of characters of aWord) as text) & space
end repeat

display dialog reversed buttons {"OK"} default button 1
AppleScript knows about words, so if you don't care about punctuation, you can do something like:

Yeah, v.1 didn't do punctuation:

display dialog "Enter your spell:" default answer ""
set answer to text returned of result
set zanswer to ""
set {myTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {" "}}
set myList to text items of answer
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to myTID
repeat with fword in myList
	#set testf to fword
	#set fword to each
	set zword to reverse of characters in fword as string
	set zanswer to zanswer & " " & zword
end repeat
set zansewer to ((characters 2 thru -1 of zanswer) as string)
set the clipboard to zanswer
display dialog zanswer
From a purely stylistic view, I would consider adding a space to the end of your string before you start. This would save you having the check for the final word (and the repeated chunk of code)
From a purely stylistic view, I would consider adding a space to the end of your string before you start. This would save you having the check for the final word (and the repeated chunk of code)

Ah.. Good idea.
I had originally had that bit in as I found if there wasn't punctuation (or a space) at the end, the last word was never added..took me a while to figure out why I was losing a word...I made it a If-then for good practice....your solution is far more elegant.

A friend (the same one who made the challenge) gave me a python script that pops up a picture of Zatanna saying the spell. I added the code so it works...

do shell script "python /Users/Scav/aa2/" & " " & thespell


  • Screenshot 2014-07-15 21.02.38.png
    Screenshot 2014-07-15 21.02.38.png
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