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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2009

I go to present you my last application: ZenTap.

ZenTap is an advanced text editor for the iPhone.
If you want to improve your productivity (in terms of time, commodity) writing emails, smses and other texts you'll like ZenTap.
ZenTap provides an intelligent text prediction system, spell-checking, templates system, etc.
With auto-completion support the user commits less typos and makes between 2-5 times less taps on the keyboard.
Zentap also includes four customizable buttons that let you define shortcuts for special characters improving even more your typing experience.

- Auto-completion
- Spell-checking
- 4 customizable key buttons
- A template system
- Wide text area (with full screen text view).
- Direct export of text to mail, sms and safari
- Possibility to change font size​

Official site: Zentap, iphone spell checker
Here you can see video demo: video demo
Link to itunes: Download


General view of ZenTap with toolbar


Spell checking view


Autocompletion view, while you are typing, you can see suggestions on the toolbar


Templates view

keyboard looks really good. Can it be used anywhere on the iPhone when the kb pops up? Will zentap replace the apple keyboard or it only uses it for SMS and email?
Ok just bought it and kinda of a waste as you have to copy and save the text and then paste it to other apps, so the amount of time it takes to do this step and typing with the iphone kb is wasted and there is no real benefit.

If it attaches to the normal keyboard then this will be a killer app. Till then its a waste of money IMO.
Its a good idea, might be worth setting it up in Cydia, and make it work on the keyboard in any app.

I'm dev of ZenTap.
And no, ZenTap doesn't replace iphone's keyboard (it's impossible with the official SDK).
And yes, it may be not so usefull for short texts (you have to open zentap, write your text, open other app and paste it). But for large texts (more then 100 chars) I think that it compensates.
And another detail, when you use "export menu" to launch sms, browser or mail, ZenTap automatically copies all text and you only have to paste it (in case of mail all will done automatically).
Another plus of ZenTap are the spell checker and template system.

In the next version I go to add spanish text support, text translation (using google) and I'll add direct export to twitter.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.
All stuff you see actually in ZenTap had been suggested by iphone users (friends, coworkers,...), only autocompletion was my idea.

Thank you for all
I beg to differ, I am disabled and I use an iPad and Zentap to communicate. And I gotta say, Zentap has added a great deal of functionality to my life. I used to dread typing even short messages, and people would loose patience with me because it would take forever to type out what I had to say. Now its much easier, while agree about Zentap replacing iphone/iPod/iPad current keyboard and typing system I to would like to see this applacation run in all apps. But for somebody who needs a cheap communication system Zentap + iPad + a text to voice app.
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