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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 15, 2004
I'm really confused--I'm trying to download a zipped upgrade for my Netgear router...hoping that it would make the darn thing work. But when I download the zip file, it turns into a .img file that subsequently fails to mount ("no mountable file systems").

Also, when I try to run the Help program from Finder, it crashes after two seconds.

And my new router does not work with my powerbook--though my old one still does, and I can't get Roller Coaster Tycoon to work in VPC with Win2000, and a host of other problems that I really did not expect in making my switch from PC to Mac.

I hate to say it, but I'm a really unsatisfied switcher (new PB 12") ... way too many compatibility/networking/printing/font issues...

But if anybody can just help me figure out this zip file thing, so I can upgrade my Router, that would be great. One issue at a time...
Have you repaired permissions?

First, go to the Utilities folder within the Applications folder and launch Disk Utility. Then, click on the volume (Macintosh HD) and the First Aid tab. You'll see a button "Repair Permissions" most of the way down the dialog box. Click it and wait for it to complete.

You may find that some of the issues simply go away.

VPC is not meant to run 3D games. There is no virtual 3D hardware. I remember that Theme Park was sold for Macintosh. It may be possible that Roller Coaster Tycoon was available and that you could run it in the classic environment. (I know that you have the PC version, but if it means that much to you, you might buy the Macintosh version.)
luckyparadox said:
I'm really confused--I'm trying to download a zipped upgrade for my Netgear router...hoping that it would make the darn thing work. But when I download the zip file, it turns into a .img file that subsequently fails to mount ("no mountable file systems").
Sounds like you downloaded a corrupted file. Have you tried re-downloading it, or checking the filesize against that stated?
Also, when I try to run the Help program from Finder, it crashes after two seconds.
ooh-er :confused:
And my new router does not work with my powerbook--though my old one still does, and I can't get Roller Coaster Tycoon to work in VPC with Win2000, and a host of other problems that I really did not expect in making my switch from PC to Mac.
Well, I'm a fan of the tycoon games, and have run both Rollercoaster and Transport in Virtual PC in the past. What errors, specifically, do you get?
-- as a side, Windows 98 is much better for gaming under VPC. Turn off virtual memory, and it runs like a charm. Win2k has too many overheads...
I hate to say it, but I'm a really unsatisfied switcher (new PB 12") ... way too many compatibility/networking/printing/font issues...
Sad to hear that. You have to expect some teething troubles, though. Stick with it, and go for one issue at a time. I usually find they're solutions staring me in the face :eek:
bousozoku said:
VPC is not meant to run 3D games. There is no virtual 3D hardware. I remember that Theme Park was sold for Macintosh. It may be possible that Roller Coaster Tycoon was available and that you could run it in the classic environment. (I know that you have the PC version, but if it means that much to you, you might buy the Macintosh version.)
The (real) Tycoon series all run in 2d, 256-colour mode. I ran them on a win95 Pentium-S 120 back in the day, but to my knowledge there never was a Macintosh port. Anyway, Virtual PC Whips it, in the Devo sense..
I may be able to help

1) What model powerbook? is it airport Extreme Card(802.11g) or Airport Card(802.11b)

2)That img file will not mount. In the newer netgear routers that is the file you upload to the router to update the firmware.

3)VPC is awful for games, i've tried running Roller Coaster tycoon in it and its awfully slow (i have a 1ghz powerbook)

4) font/network/printing issues? If you start a new thread for those we'll be happy to help you :).

Don't get discouraged. It's like moving to a new neighborhood, when you first get there you don't know where anything is and feel lost. After a little while its feels like home.
bousozoku said:
VPC is not meant to run 3D games. There is no virtual 3D hardware. I remember that Theme Park was sold for Macintosh. It may be possible that Roller Coaster Tycoon was available and that you could run it in the classic environment. (I know that you have the PC version, but if it means that much to you, you might buy the Macintosh version.)

There is no mac port of RCT. And i'm told their won't be. I also like this game.
Help viewer crashing.

Delete the ~/Library/Preferences/

Delete ~/Library/Caches/

See if that helps.
Thirteenva said:
I may be able to help

2)That img file will not mount. In the newer netgear routers that is the file you upload to the router to update the firmware.
I remember doing something like that, using the router utilities within the router to upload the file to the router.

The router will recognize the file, but the OS doesn't.
7on said:
Help viewer crashing.

Delete the ~/Library/Preferences/

Delete ~/Library/Caches/

See if that helps.

Oh man you are a genius! I had to delete as well--what did I do, and why did it work?!

Thank you!

One down, a few more to go...still no luck with the router....I've tried all the above. And I've given up on RCT (anybody know any good Mac replacemtent? I don't like the turn-based format of Civilization. I'm thinking SimCity might be as enjoyable as RCT. Any suggestions?)
luckyparadox said:
Oh man you are a genius! I had to delete as well--what did I do, and why did it work?!

Thank you!

One down, a few more to go...still no luck with the router....I've tried all the above. And I've given up on RCT (anybody know any good Mac replacemtent? I don't like the turn-based format of Civilization. I'm thinking SimCity might be as enjoyable as RCT. Any suggestions?)
All you did was delete the HelpViewer preferences file (, HelpViewer's temporary data cache ( folder), and one of the two global help preference files (; the other one is These files/folders are the ones that can cause HelpViewer to crash if they become corrupted. Deleting them tells HelpViewer to make new ones - problem solved!
wrldwzrd89 said:
All you did was delete the HelpViewer preferences file (, HelpViewer's temporary data cache ( folder), and one of the two global help preference files (; the other one is These files/folders are the ones that can cause HelpViewer to crash if they become corrupted. Deleting them tells HelpViewer to make new ones - problem solved!

Awesome. I finally got a response from Netgear and they got my router working. So All is Well in Macland.

Thanks everyone for the help.
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