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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 19, 2010
Hi guys,

We have just launched ZUVOLO - Our Social Location Sharing app on the App Store. Very much a first version but with the basics in place. We will be working on a whole load of features and we would welcome your feedback! Try it out and share with friends, family, and colleagues.

You can also find out more on our website:

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macrumors G5
Apr 24, 2016
How does this differ from iCloud location sharing and what set of my data is transmitted to your company and how long is it stored?



macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 19, 2010
How does this differ from iCloud location sharing and what set of my data is transmitted to your company and how long is it stored?


Hi, it's different to something like Find My Friends because it uses near realtime location updates and you can immediately stop and start sharing your location in an instant. It also offers the ability to place markers on the map to share with your friends. We also provide details such as speed, direction of travel and distance.

In an upcoming update we're adding groups which means rather than sharing your location with all your friends you can simply choose a group of friends and share your location with them only. For example, you may only want to share with your wife and daughter for a particular time but can just as easily switch groups to share with a different group such as your golfing buddies.

As far as location data is concerned, we only ever retain one coordinate (latitude/longitude) which is then removed when you stop sharing your location. All data is encrypted in transit and at rest and is not shared with third parties in any way. For more information about this please visit the FAQs section on our website at:

Thanks for looking and if you have any other questions, let me know.
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