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  1. Codpeace

    10.13.2 Causing fans to run constantly (MacBook Pro 2017 15")

    Hi All, Before this update, my fans almost never ran on this machine and it was silent. And it usually felt very cool to the touch. Now, however, the fans run pretty much constantly and the machine feels hot up around the hinge and the touch bar area. And it is NOISY. I updated yesterday (might...
  2. R

    WiFi sporadically dropping on rMBP 2015

    Hi there, I've been encountering the following problem for the last two weeks. Every half an hour or so my Internet connection drops. I can neither access my NAS or the web at all. However, turning Wifi off and back on usually solves the problem, temporarily at least. I should say though...
  3. KavalierMalta

    MacBook Pro adapter

    Hello, Forum Users :) Tomorrow I will be getting my MacBook Pro 2017 15" version and was looking to increase the functionality by adding an adapter. The ports that I would like from the adapter are USB 3.0, HDMI ports. Ethernet cable is not a must since WIFI signal is strong enough for...
  4. M

    2017 MBP 15";560 GPU; 2.8GHz vs. 2.9GHz

    Hey guys and girls, i was just thinking about buying one of the 2017 MBPs and realized that the 2.9 GHz MBP is 150€ more expensive than the 2.8 GHz with 560 gpu. Are there any other differences and is that small difference worth the 150 bucks? Thanks alot! mac_monkey
  5. jun180

    Anyone seeing 15w~20w average battery draw on light use? 2016 15" MBP

    Hi all, I have a 2016 15" MBP with 16GB RAM and the 460 dGPU and average about 4-5 hours battery life per charge. To cut to the chase, my average battery draw is always higher than 15w+ on light usage, refer to the screenshot. Does anyone else experience this behaviour? And furthermore...
  6. keysofanxiety

    Battery life on 15" MBP

    I'll start with a disclaimer that I'm not normally one to obsessively check battery health, if at all, though it seems I've been getting pretty good life from my old slugger of a laptop. She's a 2012 15" cMBP, purring with maxed RAM and a Samsung EVO. Yeah I've got Retina screen envy and I'd...
  7. tevion5

    DLSDelighted! (Finally arrived)

    Having not satisfied the urge to unnecessarily splash my cash on old Macs in too long I thought I'd treat myself to one this Christmas. One obvious gap in my collection is a PPC laptop. And if I'm likely only going to get one for the foreseeable future, I might as well get the best. Thankfully...
  8. eiprol

    First Geekbench result of new rMBP15"?

    Browsing the Geekbench charts, I've just noticed the existence of a new "MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2016)". Are these real benchmarks? On multi-core, even the MacBook Pro (15-inch Retina Mid 2014) 2.5Ghz is above the new 2.7Ghz machine. Check it by yourself...
  9. H

    rMBP Order / Reorder Question

    Hey everyone, I have a base model 15" Macbook Pro preordered and I am looking to modify my order, and I believe the only way to do so is to cancel and reorder if I am not mistaken? I am wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to cancel an order placed using the Education Discount and then...
  10. LaFrentz

    New 15" MBP which CPU to choose?

    Hi guys, need your advice: I can't any longer wait for test results and am about to order a 15" 16GB 512GB 460 The only thing I am still undecided: which CPU? I read that the 2,6 has 6MB L3 cache and the others 8MB. Do you expect this to have a significant impact on the performance? And if so...
  11. F

    Macbook Pro 15" Configuration

    Hey everyone! I'm really excited by the new Macbook Pros as I have been waiting for over an year to come them out. I currently use an old Macbook Pro 17" Early 2009 with a 1TB SSD that I installed later. I absolutely need a new machine since the work I do is pretty intensive from music...
  12. P

    Mid 2012 MBP 15" (non-Retina) and the future

    So, I am considering getting a used MBP 15" (the DVD/Optical drive, and 3.5 audio in port still appeal to me). Is it reasonable to think that it will be supported for OS updates for several more years? It's little brother the 13" is still being sold, so following that logic the 13" and 15"...
  13. 1

    MacBook Air Late 2016

  14. S

    rMBP 15" 2015: not disappointed but surprised...

    Finally upgraded my ageing MacBook Air mid-2011 to a brand new rMBP 2015 15", the higher-end 2.5ghz model with AMD discrete graphics (gave up on waiting for the 2016 rMBP refresh/redesign and have always been a bit circumspect about buying first-generation new models anyway). Totally satisfied...