Hi all,
Currently I'm subscribed to apple music which I use on my iphone XS and an old iphone 6 (for in the car) both with icloud Library enabled.
I have a Macbook pro that has GB's and GB's of local music that I use for DJin but that has icloud library disabled.
Is there a way to enable the...
I’ve uploaded/synced my music collection (29 GB) on to my iPhone. However, when trying to play some of the songs I’m prompted to “choose my subscription” - as if I need Apple Music to listen to my own, legally obtained, music.
For instance: Track 1 on David Bowie’s Blackstar requires a...
Trying to set up a family plan that includes my adult son and his wife. Want them to have access to Apple Music, but do not other purchases to go through same family account (movies, apps, etc.).
Is there a way to set this up?
I was forced to update my phone to iOS 13 due to some issue with my phone screen and apple wiping it.
Now, I cannotswipe down on the music app to reveal the upcoming music. I used this all the time. Why has apple removed it? Even have Apple Music and everything, and now theyre basically making...
Hi everyone!
I've been developing the player for Apple Music and I'd like to know any thoughts about it:
«Meows.app» - a great way to discover the world of music in a new player for Apple Music. We have collected more than eight thousand playlists on one...
I can't stand it, and just like with the last time they updated itunes, I need to find out how to be able to use the search function as it previously functioned.
In this latest version you put in a word to search, and it shows results in a separate almost picture-like results screen. I have...
I was curious if anyone has found an Apple website that lets you listen to your subscribed Podcasts. They have one for the new Apple Music and it syncs with your iCloud account. I was hoping there was something similar for Podcasts so I could listen to them when I don't have my phone available...
Looking to get my first HomePod in the coming weeks.
I Don’t pay for Apple Music streaming but do havtwo dozen gigs worth of music I’ve saved up over the decade. Presumably these shouldn’t be any issue to stream right? The music exists on both my iPhone and iTunes on my MBP. I’m guessing my...
I wonder if anyone else is having this issue...
I was using an iPhone XsMax on 13.1, Apple Music worked fine. Downgraded to 13 in preparation for iPhone 11 Pro Max, Apple Music still worked fine. Purchased new phone, restored from iCloud backup made the day before. Apple Music only populates 2...
I'm clearing off my 2012 MacBook Pro to use it for something completely new. I want to make sure I have properly taken all steps before doing so.
I have a new MacBook but transferred things over piecemeal over the past 6 months as needed as I didn't want to transfer anything unnecessary or...
when i add a song to a playlist, it ALWAYS adds it to the bottom of the list, i then have to go to the playlist and drag it up to the top.
Is there any way where i can add a song to a playlist and it puts it to the top?
I have tried 'sort by....ascending and decending' but it still does not...
I didn't see a thread about this, but it may already have been reported here... right now one of the more active threads on the Apple community forums is around Apple Music, which stopped functioning for anyone using El Capitan (10.11.6) about two weeks ago.
About 600-700 users so far have...
I’m currently with Spotify Premium and am looking to get the Apple Watch 5 when it comes out in September (will be my first AW). I’ve heard that Apple Music is leagues ahead of Spotify and its competitors when it comes it Apple Watch integration, with it being the only service that allows music...
I purchased apple music on ios 13 beta 7 and every time i try to play a song it opens a window that says you are already a member but the song doesn't play... Any help?
Hi all,
I'm currently using Spotify Premium but i'm thinking in unsubscribing as I'm really unhappy about the service. Spotify advertises very loud the feature of offline play when in the practise is a pain to use. First, when you are listening downloaded music in a plane you need to eat than...
So recently installed the latest Catalina beta public 4 onto a separate drive just to explore and test out. Loving the OS so far, and while I will miss iTunes, the new change will be interesting.
I'm having trouble importing my iTunes library though. Apparently an upgrade from Mojave will...
I have been a Macbook user for about 10 years and recently moved to an iPhone as well from Android. I have an iPhone 8 (64GB). I have been subscribed to Apple Music for some time now (before getting the iPhone).
Along with the Apple Music subscription I synchronised my iTunes library...
I am certain this topic has been discussed but I don't think I'm using the correct search terms to solve my issue. Here goes...
Over the years, I purchased, ripped from CDs, downloaded from Napster/Limewire (LOL) many songs (1000s?). At some point (was it Apple Match?) I uploaded all those...
I’m thinking about ripping all my cd music collection to my iTunes app on my mbpr and get rid of all the CDs to declutter, but not sure about the ripping format? They say the “lossless” setting would be the most desirable. I understand it will take up a lot of room then. I alao understand all...
Well, to get to the genre of interest in the music app:
1. Tap Browse
2. Scroll to genres
3. new page - select your genre and tap
4. finally the genre page
Steps 1 and 2 are a massive waste of time (for me at at least) and poor usability choice on this UI. More so because the UI resets back to...