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  1. blueroom

    Unpairing ATV 4K Siri remote? Use Harmony instead.

    I would like to unpair the Siri remote and pair a Harmony smart hub remote instead. The Apple TV 4Ks three Bluetooth limit is why I'd like to free up that slot. I'm using Zwift and the bike trainer + heart rate monitor take up two Bluetooth slots.
  2. I


    I bought this Mac and thought I needed to erase every file (dumb, I know) in prefer to clear space to download the Mac HD and update the OS. I now have rested very way possible from NVRM to COMMAND + R + P + OPTION. I need help finding out how to fix my hard drive now I assume. Here’s a pic of...
  3. R

    Windows Boot Camp vs. Mac os

    My main question is in regards to performance on default OS x compared to performance on boot-camped Windows 10. I understand that windows based games will run better on windows but's that not what I am asking. I am using a 2018 Macbook pro 15, Are there any performance loss when running...
  4. rmg24

    Anyone with the new silicone cases?

    Does anyone have pics of the new hibiscus, mellow yellow and pacific green silicone cases?
  5. BigBen2493

    iPhone XR Belkin InvisiGlass Good?

    Has anyone got this one and how is it holding up? Any better than the ones for the XS?
  6. R

    2018 Macbook Pro 15 w/ eGPU

    I was wondering, when playing games on Macbook pro with eGPU will it run cooler or hotter if I were to add an external monitor? There are some discussion about the new MBP 15 having issues with heating and throttling when playing games. So.... my solution was to add a eGPU (1080ti) with a...
  7. A

    iPad compatible with Apple Pencil

    Quick question, I am a teacher. We use iPads at school and have teacher iPads. Model at the back is A1893. Is my iPad compatible with the Apple pencil? I would like to get the pencil for Christmas and just want confirmation it is compatible! Thanks
  8. J

    X-Doria Defense Shield Series, iPhone XR Case - Military Grade Drop Tested, Anodized Aluminum, TPU P

    X-Doria Defense Shield Series, iPhone XR Case - Military Grade Drop Tested, Anodized Aluminum, TPU Polycarbonate Protective Case Apple iPhone XR, 6.1" inch LCD Screen (Iridescent) Compatible with iPhone XR model only, 6.1" LCD Screen. Not compatible with iPhone X, Xs, or Xs Max. Certified...
  9. PumpkingKing

    Other Hey Siri While Playing Music

    Listed as a feature available on the apple website, as well as verified a feature by talking to apple support, it is almost impossible for me to activate Hey Siri while playing music above level 2 volume. Obviously the volume of the music interferes with the mic's ability to pick up voice, so my...
  10. R

    i7 vs i9 for Apple Macbook pro 15

    Hello, I want to buy a Macbook Pro 15 Radeon Pro 555X but I can't decide on i7 Processor or i9 Processor. 2.2GHz 6‑core 8th‑generation Intel Core i7 processor, Turbo Boost up to 4.1GHz or 2.9GHz 6‑core 8th‑generation Intel Core i9 processor, Turbo Boost up to 4.8GHz Ok... so here is what I...
  11. BigBen2493

    iPhone XS PWM Ranking Chart

    Great chart here! Here is the link: Preview:
  12. Exxhara

    What are your thoughts on the latest leak of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S10!

    @Everythingapplepro guy just posted a sick render of the Samsung Galaxy S10 based on latest leaks! What are your thoughts on the upcoming changes? My boyfriend and I were having a heated discussion about the future of Apple based on the latest leaks from Samsung. I have all Apple products and...
  13. MrMoris

    Apple Music with Alexa

    Hey, I just received a new Amazon Echo and therefore I had to switch to Spotify. Honestly, I really miss Apple Music, because it works much better, has better music recommendation, cheaper, and includes lyrics to every song. I was wondering if you think Apple Music will ever be supported using...
  14. iSearch

    Will Apple Repair a Used iPhone 7 (A1660) Under Recall?

    A family member bought a "new" 32GB iPhone 7 for work on eBay for about a hundred dollars less than what Apple offers. Based on past experiences buying bootleg DVDs on eBay, I was skeptical. The phone arrives and once turned on, it starts bootlooping. It looked a little worn for being new so I...
  15. BigBen2493

    iPhone 8/Plus How Long will the iPhone 8 Last?

    How long do you guys think the iPhone 8 will be supported,updated and running fast? Do you think Apple will try to stop supporting it earlier to phase out the home button completely? Maybe IOS 15 or 16? I was debating between the 8 and XS but I want the 8 to last for awhile. (future proof) I...
  16. BigBen2493

    iPhone XS Watching Vids on XS?

    How's watching videos on the XS? Is it annoying with the notch? Youtube,Streams etc. Full Screen? Zooming in?
  17. A

    whats the value of this macpro 2008 now ? "2.1/3.1/4.1..." meaning ?

    hi All I have this macpro from early 2008 2 x 2.8 quadcore intel xeon upgraded to 12gb 800 mhz ddr2 total ati radeon hd 2600 256mb no wifi what do you think is its value / what shall I expect to sell it for in London ? also ive seen on many threads people using the number "2.1/3.1/4.1.."...
  18. Johnnys2

    iPhone XS Max Is the iPhone XS Max Camera really made from sapphire crystal?

    Watch this video. near 4 minutes this guy starts talking about the camera, and claims that Iphone cameras aren't really made of sapphire like Apple claims. the thing is... can someone proof that iPhone cameras are really made of sapphire?
  19. jpmoogle

    Upgrading 9.7 Pro to 11 or 12.9 Pro

    I know everyone has those threads where they are debating about switching to a new one. I’m planning to purchase one of the devices. I have the original 9.7 iPad Pro 128gb with cellular, got it refurbished from Groupon like almost two years ago when it came out. I recently got unlimited data...
  20. BigBen2493

    iPhone SE (2016) Would The Apple Store put on a Case for me?

    If I go in there for a battery replacement and I brought in a Otterbox case I bought from someone else would they put it on for me?