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  1. Insector X

    macOS Applescript, help Printing All Files in a Folder as Client

    Hi, I just signed up! I've been trying to find this answer, but I think I'm going to have to just ask. Hello All. This folder I'm trying to print from a folder that is on a server that I'm connected to via afp over tcp/ip. The folder is called "Network Printer ƒ" and is on the root...
  2. DavidR3906

    Help using automater

    So I finally got a MacBook Air. I've used Bootcamp to load a Windows operating system. The windows portion is easy to switch back to Mac being they have the icon in the task bar you can click on. I've been searching online for a quick fix for the OS X side that I can just click on and have it...
  3. K

    write automated script

    hi. I would like to write an automated script which delete a file every single time when I open one specific app. the file is hidden. I'm noob whit Automator, where should I start?
  4. camilletom

    Automating iTunes tagging (apple music)

    Hello all! For some years now, I have been (obsessively) refining the tags of my iTunes songs. I mostly erase the usual "(featuring X)" - sometimes added to song names in apple music or the iTunes store - and place it in the Artist field (as in "artist feat. X"). Other examples include...
  5. B

    Use Automator to get specific line from source code

    Hi folks, I don't really know anything about Automator so I'm wondering if this is possible: On Instagram, when you click an image, that image pops up on the same page. When this image has popped up if you view page source, then hit cmd + f and search for .jpg you will find that, on most...
  6. iExplorer

    Want to automate application opening

    I use Google Drive to store a lot of files, so I have a Sync folder for the same and every time I drop a file into it, it automatically syncs provided the app is open. But, I have disabled "Start Drive at login"(to speed up my startup time). So now, everytime I drop a file or update a file in...
  7. rfitz9

    macOS Applescript & Automator Help

    Hello All, I'm new to Applescript and Automator. After reading this post, I've become obsessed with scripting and automating. I'm basically trying to teach myself - and having a lot of fun doing so. I'm trying to figure out how to script a task and I'm getting stuck. Here's what I'm trying to...
  8. iExplorer

    Need help with Automator

    I want to use Automator to automatically close an application(if that application is open) when I click on Shut Down and then proceed to Shut Down.Is it possible?