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  1. HappyDude20

    Where Can I Get a Custom Book Made? (Novel, not Photo)

    Hello, My daughters birthday is coming and she is turning 4. I want to write a 100 page book for her and have it professionally printed and bonded, preferably with a nice book cover. Hard or soft cover, doesn’t matter. Many of the websites about googling this only show for mass printing of a...
  2. bartvk

    iOS Reviewed the "Modern Auto Layout" book

    Hi everyone, two months ago I reviewed the new "Modern Auto Layout" book and here's my review of it. I've also posted it on reddit so you might've seen it. If you don't feel like reading, then my conclusion basically is: I give it my full recommendation and I think it's great for beginners and...
  3. blackxacto

    Anyone have a Terminal command?

    I want to FORCE Mojave Books to open pdf's in my pdf editor, NOT PREVIEW. I have done the old select a pdf+Apple+I, then designate my editor to open all pdf's. DOES NOT work in Mojave. Anyone know a way?
  4. M

    MacBook Pro Boot Issue

    My late 2013 MacBook Pro running OS X Mavericks is have troubles. I'm able to turn on the computer and get to the login screen, then it just freezes. I'm able to run the computer in safe mode with no problems. I've also read around and there's a lot of signs pointing to a logic board issue. I'm...
  5. KGK1234

    2006 MacBook refuses to charge or turn on

    So, I recently got a 2006 MacBook, and for a while, it worked fine. Then, the backlight only worked occasionally, and since this morning, it no longer takes a charge and won't turn on. The little light on the MagSafe connector doesn't light up, and I know the charger works as I have used it on...
  6. peapody

    Benitocase for iPhone 6/6plus

    Anyone ever heard of benitocases? I just ordered one for my 6 plus. It's a genuine leather case handmade in Turkey - that's just about all the details I can discern from listings on amazon and etsy. I liked the color and wanted a leather book style streamlined case with no extra bells and...
  7. peakman

    Universal Animated Novel 【Beastly Crusader】

    Hi, My animated novel 【Beastly Crusader】is now available in Appstore, please help me spread the word out! iTunes: “Children standing at the Crossroad, What have you chosen in the end?" A Chaotic Era, confusing warriors… Between Heaven and Earth, a Holy War initiated...