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  1. B

    Outlook for Mac 365 Categories Disappeared

    I am running Outlook for Mac on Office 365. My computer is a new MacBook Pro (about 2-3 months old) running OS X Yosemite with all of the latest updates. I opened my Outlook calendar today and noticed that all of the categories and colors for my Exchange Server account disappeared. Does...
  2. ZoeAnnette

    macOS AppleScript not working but no error. Create new event in Calendar

    I have some limited experience in other languages (Java, Matlab) but have not used applescript until now. I am trying to make a small program that will create several spaced out events in Calendar however when I run it no calendar event is made but no error is shown. Does anyone have any...
  3. K

    How to Stop Birthday Notifications?!?!?!?

    I'm currently running on the latest OSX beta, but I think this problem exists in all versions. Every time I log into my computer, my calendar pops up notification about various Brithdays, etc. even though those Calendars have been turned off in iCal. Now, even after dismissing it, they pop...
  4. eventailapp

    iPhone Eventail the compact Calendar Widget

    Hello, I wanted to learn iOS development and for my first app I've decided to make a calendar widget that is a bit different from the others I have seen. It displays 3 to 5 upcoming days in a compact manner. Tapping on a day shows a detailed view. It costs two bucks and can be downloaded here...
  5. F

    iCloud calendar icon has wrong date

    When I go to, the calendar icon on the main page is incorrectly showing: Tuesday 9 It is actually Tuesday 5, of course. The other functions seem to be working correctly, but it has me concerned whether I can really trust it.
  6. hwojtek

    Calendar bug? (does not update in dock)

    I just noticed that my stopped updating the current day of month in the dock (see screenshot). Doesn't matter if the app is open or not, it's stuck on Jan 3rd. Anyone with a similar issue? I seem to recall a similar bug in iOS couple of years ago.