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  1. T

    MBP 2016/TB - Clamshell mode, magnet location

    I just upgraded my 2011 MBP to a MBP 2016/TB 15 inch. With my old computer, when using it on my desk, I plug it into my external display and used to put a small/weak magnet in the left side, just below the left speaker, and the screen just goes off and I used it in clamshell mode, but with the...
  2. GetToDaChopa

    Battery replacement for Clamshell g3 iBook advice

    Sorry if this has been asked before (actually no, I'm not sorry) but all this talk about using an old g3 iBook has made me want to get mine out and going. So i want battery life again, instead of plugging it in all the time. Have you guys replaced yours? if so was it worth it and has the battery...
  3. A

    Guide - Installing OSX and OS9 via USB on an iBook G3 Clamshell

    So I purchased an ibook g3 clamshell off ebay a couple of weeks ago. One of the original blueberry models. I replaced the original 3gb hdd as it was making scary sounds. However when I went to reinstall os9/x I discovered the cd drive was faulty. The original ibook had no firewire port, so...
  4. B

    MBA overheating in clamshell mode - myth?

    Hi all, I'm planning to get a baseline iMac or a Macbook Air + external display as I mainly work at the desk. Some Internet rumors say that Macbooks can overheat if you run them in clamshell mode hooked up to an external display. Is this just a myth? Does anybody have any experience of...
  5. F

    rMBP Late2013 Faster in Clamshell mode

    I think I stumbled upon something here, I wanted to check how much my CPU was Throttling under heavy load and I saw my CPU going down to 2.8 /2.9 Ghz while in Clamshell mode albeit at 99C Now, I wanted to test if opening the laptop would yield any different result due to improved thermals but...
  6. S

    MacBook Pro won't enter clamshell mode

    Just so you know this is my first post. I'm hoping someone might have any suggestions for an issue with my Mac. It won't enter clamshell mode anymore and when I close the lid it won't go to sleep itself unless I either wait awhile or usually manually do it. Sometimes the charger isn't recognized...
  7. PatrickRolfsen

    i5/i7 Clamshell project

    Hi all, I just picked up a couple graphite G3 clamshells, one of which being just for parts that doesn't run. I also have a spare i7 MBA 11'' I wouldn't mind stuffing into the spare casing. Looks like theres a guy who's done this and charging around $3k on ebay for an example. Anyone know of...
  8. bobesch

    Email Client and Applications for Mac OS9

    This weekend I've set up my KeyLime Clamshell to run dual-boot Tiger and OS9. Installation of Tiger had been a snap by just making a SuperDuper! copy of my Graphite-Clamshell. My journey to MacOS9 just started a few weeks ago, and I was quite amazed how snappy the system responds even with...
  9. sotosoul

    Mac OS 9 sleep of death issue on iBook G3 Clamshell

    Hello people! I own an iBook Clamshell from 1999 with dual boot Mac OS X 10.3 Panther and OS 9.2.2. Here's the issue: the iBook does not recover from sleep when in OS 9.2.2, but it does from OS X (although it takes some ~20 sec for the mouse to start moving...) So, is this related to the sleep...