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dark mode

  1. Yoms

    Is Safari Automatic Dark Mode working for you?

    Hey, I have macOS 10.14.4 that brings this Safari feature: Adds Dark Mode support for websites that support custom color schemes So, I expected websites such as YouTube, Twitter, DuckDuckGo (that feature a dark theme/night mode) to be... well... dark. And that's not the case. I have to...
  2. D

    Safari Dark Mode has a white background?

    Sometimes while doing design or photo work you need to view an image by itself in Safari. When viewing an image in a Safari window there is no HTML so the background color around the image is white. But, when Mojave is in Dark Mode the Safari background is still white. Why isn't the...
  3. I

    Dark mode not working

    Macbook pro late 2013 with MacOS Mojave Dark mode was working flawlessly. At some point I installed NightOwl and continued to work perfectly up until one of the latest updates of the OS to 10.14.2 or to a newer version of NightOwl. I cannot pinpoint the exact time. The issue is that now if I...
  4. jusacruiser

    Dark Mode Adjusting Per App

    I LOVE Dark mode.....but NOT in every app. For example.....the Photos App looks great in Dark Mode, but it is tiresome to use the "Mail" app in Dark Mode. Now before everybody says get the "Night Owl" I have a question about that. I think Night Owl is sort of just a always there toggle...
  5. Starfia

    Yay, TextEdit!

    Did TextEdit suddenly begin supporting Dark Mode in macOS 10.14.2? Whuhoo! I'd been hoping for that with Mojave's launch and was almost resigned to hopelessness when it wasn't there.
  6. I

    How to create keyboard shortcut to enable dark mode in Mail?

    Hi, I am trying to see if there is a way to create a keyboard shortcut that enables me to toggle 'dark mode' off and on in the 'Mail' application. I understand how to create basic keyboard shortcuts, but the problem I am having is the command to enable/disable dark mode in Mail is nested in...
  7. Sakellaris

    Dark Mode in Mojave like High Sierra

    How to Use Only Dark Menu Bar and Dock in Mojave 1. Go to System Preferences > General and select Light for Appearance. 2. Launch Terminal and enter the following command: defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes 3. Log out of your user account and then log back in 4...
  8. yellow8

    PDFZone 2 - rename your PDF files automatically - based on content from predefined zones

    I'm proud to introduce PDFZone 2, a productivity macOS app that allows you to: Automatically rename your PDF files based on their content Automatically extract your PDF files content to useful data (CSV file) Give PDFZone multiple PDFs of the same type, and it will smartly rename them, or...
  9. M

    Possible to have dark mode be application specific?

    I am a heavy Apple Mail user (and I don't plan on changing that). While I love dark mode I actually need to screenshot emails quite often and the dark mode really changes the tone of some of my emails. Is it possible to keep dark mode on but select applications that don't use dark mode?
  10. S

    iTunes Dark Mode Bug?

    I just downloaded MacOS Mojave to my MacBook Pro 2016 and I'm having issues with my iTunes 12 library sections, the Album view, Movie View, and Podcast view have this "white border" around all the album covers. I've checked the press images from Apple showing iTunes 12 in dark mode and it should...
  11. baryon

    Scheduled dark/light mode, with smooth transition?

    I find it strange that Apple lets you schedule NightShift, which is designed to reduce the harsh light on your eyes, but they won't let you schedule Dark mode, which is far more efficient at reducing harsh light at night, and it doesn't change the color of your content (which is a huge problem...
  12. C

    Safari Custom Stylesheet like Mojave

    I updated to Mojave but white background on most of web sites on Safari in dark mode is not fun. Any one has custom style sheet like Mojave for Safari ? Thanks
  13. 2

    Please bring dark mode from MacOS Mojave to iOS!

    If apple care's about UI consistency then they need to also incorporate this into iOS as well. I have been using dark mode in Mojave and it's absolutely beautiful and gorgeous. I would love to see this in iOS as well.
  14. A

    Display bug

    I have a display bug, whereby some parts of screen are very bright light blue color. Has anyone noticed that, I couldn't find it anywhere. It replaces some shades of black with light blue. Top and right-hand side window borders with light blue too. It happens in both light and dark mode. After...
  15. M

    Do iWork apps support dark mode currently?

    Meaning, is dark mode applied at the system level to all apps using native UI elements, or does it still require the dev to update/enable?
  16. K

    iOS Dark Mode Leak (am I the only one who noticed it?)

  17. BerryBrowser

    Universal Berry - "Dark Mode" browser optimized to look great and save battery for iPhone X's beautiful OLED

    App Store: Got tired of blinding white flashes from webpages at night, so I built Berry, the app that automatically gives every web page a "dark mode". Browse comfortably with Berry. Lots of features included like AdBlock, navigation at the bottom...
  18. Starfia

    macOS Dark Mode at WWDC 2018?

    My goodness. I think macOS has taken mostly palatable and favourable turns over the years, but I've never stopped missing the original dark-style Notification Center when it was delineated by lines and margins, back before individual notifications became bright rounded-rectangle panel things...
  19. kmichalec

    Suggestion for Smart Invert Colors being close, but not quite Dark Mode

    So, I like the way Smart Invert Colors is "close" to being a Dark Mode, but doesn't work for everything. So, I thought of this idea, and just wanted to share just in case anyone else could use it. In my opinion, Invert Colors accomplishes about 75-80% of what I'd like to see in a Dark Mode...
  20. D

    Chances of iPhone 8 having dark mode for OLED ?

    iOS 11 should have it because having a dark theme would make the OLED work less and save more battery.