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  1. R

    iCloud email filtering/censoring websites?

    I tried sending an email out to some folks (from Protonmail) and I got an 'undeliverable' message back with all the iCloud email addresses I sent it to rejecting the email (3 addresses). The email had an Excel attachment, so I thought maybe that was the problem. Still didn't work after removing...
  2. TheConnoisseur

    Picking a new Email App/Service

    Hi All, i'm trying to migrate my emails to a new email service as my old email service is deciding to close their doors. I have been looking at a few options and wanted some advice on which service to go to next. iCloud Mail: I've heard iffy reviews from people here but they do seem a bit...
  3. F

    Export mail to *doc/rtf/pdf with attachments into separate folders

    I have a mailbox (gmail) with 15gb of mail (10gb attachments). Is it possible to: Export mails into doc/rtf Put every letter in a separate folder Put the name of the sender in the filename (with date optionally) Put attachment of the letter in the same folder I tried the Mail app and it...
  4. calliex

    I would like to erase all messages on watch

    Messages on the watch are not removed when deleted on the phone. You can only delete one at a time. Is their some hidden way to erase messages off the watch. Same goes for emails on the watch. I rarely try to read emails on the watch. Does build up of texts and emails eat up memory on watch
  5. TrancyGoose

    how do I stop Mail app for previewing the picture attachment in email body? And SparkMail vs Mac Mail

    This is the reason I use SparkMail, I want to see attachments as Icon and be able to view them when I click and choose to view them. It seems to be ridiculous that Apple has not done anything about it like it is a setting that needs to be added. There used to be a solution, with a terminal...
  6. Bojack Horseman

    What is the most private focused email provider I can use with the Apple Mail app?

    I really want to start moving away from Google, that means replacing Gmail. When you add an account to the Mail app, it lists iCloud, Microsoft Exchange, Google, Yahoo, AOL,, and Other. What are some of the "Others" that we can add? I want to keep using the default Apple Mail app...
  7. phoenix_jet

    My mail app keeps closing on my laptop. Anyone w/ suggestions?

    Just started today. Just closes after i open. Asks if i want to send report, ignore.... Not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
  8. T

    iCloud iCloud email virus scanning

    This may have been asked before... Does iCloud scan emails for viruses or corrupted files?
  9. datumax

    Unsubscribe from Mail > Account Info > Subscriptions dialog

    Has anyone gotten this feature to work? Seems like it would be pretty clutch, but I can't get any subs to show up in the list.
  10. Nigel_Payne

    iPhone Spark Email not verifying!

    Hi, I've been using Spark for months with no problems at's brilliant...BUT THEN...I changed my router! Since then, Spark on my iPhone 6S+ will not verify. It means I can't get push notifications so have to log on to push emails through. I use it for my work email and work from home...
  11. S

    iPad Pro iPAD Pro cannot connect to outgoing server when creating account

    I have an IMAP account on an iPad Pro (iPadOS 13.4.1). I can get email but when I send an email it stays in the Outbox. I go to Mail accounts in Settings --> Accounts and Passwords and change settings to Use SSL, port 25, MD5 Challenge-Response and keep getting error "The SMTP server...
  12. njhaveri

    Mimestream, a native Gmail client for macOS – now in free public beta

    Hi everyone 👋 I'm Neil, the developer of Mimestream, a lightweight native Gmail client for macOS. Mimestream is now in public beta, and looking for more beta testers! If you're interested, visit, enter your email address to request access, and you'll instantly get a...
  13. S

    iPhone Mail inbox preview shows text not in email.

    Been curious about this odd little quirk. When looking at my inbox in the mail app, each email has a short preview of its contents. But for certain emails the preview contains text that’s nowhere in the body of the email itself. It’s not totally random text, however, because it usually deals...
  14. S

    iPhone iOS mail - Today smart filter/mailbox

    Hi all. I often use the 'Today" mailbox/filter included in iOS mail. However I've just noticed that it only shows mail that is in the inbox. I receive some emails which I move to various folders, these do not show up in the today filter.... Is there a way to include other folders? It's a...
  15. S

    iPhone Still having issues with Mail.

    Many people had reposted similar problems with Mail on iPhone. However even with the latest iOS updates my problems still persist. Listing them here: 1) When viewing new mail and clicking the down arrow to get to the next new email, it shows each email twice. They are not listed twice in the...
  16. underneathed

    Help in Choosing Which Email for Apple ID

    Everyone has their own methodology in deciding how many email addresses they need and what they are used for. I'm using 4 personal accounts: - 1 x Gmail : Family/Friends - 1 x Gmail : Important (Financials, Insurance, Govt Accounts) - 1 x Gmail : Unimportant (Online Shopping Accounts, App...
  17. pedzsan

    All Devices Encrypted Email on iOS

    On my Mac, I have GPGTools which integrates with on MacOS nicely. I'm wondering what folks use for encrypted email on iOS devices. There are web pages talking about importing your "certificate" and then Mail can decrypt the messages but the term "certificate" causes me to think of...
  18. Eagle 20

    PDF's too large to email, Please help ASAP!

    I have two PDF's I have to email to my Department of Attorney General (DAG), like yesterday! But I only have gmail and one of the PDF's is too large to even send by itself. So I am seriously in panic mode and need help fast :( One PDF is a four page letter, that when I right click and 'Get...
  19. CMeed

    Universal MobileMe... Returns ?

    Hi All, I have recently been using my mac email address to flow emails to a new laptop and using outlook so i set up my mac email to the outlook computer. All good so far works as expected.... But In the folder list I've got folders I've not seen for a loooong time- since the tinted glow of the...
  20. purdnost

    iCloud Sharing: To Email or Phone?

    When sharing a calendar, reminder list, or photo album, for example, I'm given the option to share to a contact's phone number or email address. Is one method better than another? Why?