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face id

  1. D

    Face ID and Gloves

    So... I've seen people say how Face ID is gonna be nice in the winter cuz of gloves. But... we still have to swipe up. I'd like the option (I'd like to stress the option), to have Face ID work as follows: Wake > Look > Homescreen (no swipe) And I do understand I might have accidental unlocks...
  2. C

    Attention Aware Features?

    I read in this article, that Face ID supports attention aware features. My question is: With this disabled, is a "Black Mirror" scenario possible, where a content provider requires you to: "Please, look back at the screen with open eyes." Or "Please, enable attention awareness to view...
  3. everythingapplerainbow

    Face ID bypassed by a mask. [MERGED]

    What do you think about this? How could this happened? Any possible technical reasons guys? Because Face ID not seemed to be bypassed by 3D mask on other YouTube videos.
  4. P

    Face ID Passcode Entry Lag

    I don't know how many of you are experiencing this issue but when FACE ID fails to identify you can swipe up and it shows "Face ID" and then there is a transition lag to the "Enter Passcode" screen. However, I noticed that due to this animation lag I sometimes swipe up twice when the "Face ID"...
  5. M

    Face ID is disabled

    Anyone else gotten this error: “A problem was detected with the TrueDepth Camera. Face ID has been disabled.” Got phone Friday and only happened once. This article suggests calling support (which I did) or bringing in. Using other web articles on...
  6. R

    Face ID not working when below 5% battery

    Anyone else noticed this? Kinda annoying, don’t see why it does this especially when I remember reading that Face ID uses barely any battery?
  7. kmichalec

    Apple Pay experiences with Face ID?

    Been lingering around, reading the posts, debating about the X. My big concern is how well FaceID does/doesn't work when trying to use Apple Pay. What has everyone's experiences been so far when using the X and trying to use Apple Pay? Has it been easier/harder for you to use vs a 6/7/8...
  8. N

    iPhone X Face ID Tip

    At first I completed Face ID set-up indoors with not so great lighting, and was getting mixed results. It would especially fail with sunglasses. I have since reset Face ID and then completed the set-up again, but outdoors with better lighting (not in direct sunlight) and I've experienced a...
  9. I

    Pro tip: Face ID for people who switch between glasses and contacts

    Hey everyone, I’ve been having this annoying problem where Face ID will recognize me during the day when I go about my business wearing glasses but stops recognizing me once I take my glasses off (in bed) or on those days where I choose to wear contacts. I would have to either enter my passcode...
  10. Giantscruz

    Face ID / True depth cam disabled (can't re-enable)

    So after setting up my iP X, with functioning face ID, i tried to check out the animoji feature. It did not work and said it failed to track my face. Meanwhile my face worked to unlock the phone still, but when I tried again once again no luck. However this time the phone completely disabled...
  11. ardo111

    PHOTO: Face ID Infrared Dot Matrix

    Hi! First post on the forum. I'm a photographer by trade and got my iPhone X today. I used a 720nm infrared camera and my iPhone X 256GB (using Animoji to ensure continuous read of Face ID dot matrix projection) to capture the image on the right. The image on the left is just an iPhone X...
  12. Pndrgnsvc

    Face ID, Multiple faces OK?

    Can I add my wife as an "authorized" face in Face ID or is only 1 face allowed?
  13. danysl

    Will you need to disable Face Id?

    There seems to be some scenarios where face id would have to be disabled. Let's say for instance wearing a halloween costume, using strange sunglasses, having something on your face like bandages maybe or a scuba mask. I don't know what else but people use their phones everywhere nowadays. Do...
  14. kotikcatroz

    Best iPhone X Cases [MERGED]

    I'm planning to get this device as a gift for a relative of mine who loves iPhones and will be thrilled to get this device. I want to get him also a great case that can provide solid protection but not be too bulky. I see some really nice looking cases that are already available on . I...
  15. Michael Joseph

    Face ID works with all current Touch ID Apps?

    Hi, I not sure to upgrade my iPhone to 8 or X........I have some questions and hopefully someone can help me.... 1) Any body know if the new iPhone X's Face ID works with all current Touch ID Apps? or we need to wait for the Apps to update? 2) The current NFC machine use in store for Touch ID...
  16. wozmatic

    iPhone X control center swipe from the top, will that annoy you?

    It's a lot of extra work to swipe down from the top of the screen currently on the iPhone 6 and above, and even more annoying if using a 6 or 7 Plus. Using the iPhone X this will be manditory to access control center, this seems as unnecessary as removing the home button just to have a "cool...
  17. wozmatic

    How does the full screen display on the iPhone X benefit you?

    Just wondering how having an extra 1/2" of screen at the top and bottom benefit the user? Do you think it's better? Was there any problems with having a face that wasn't a full screen?
  18. needfx

    iPhone X thread

    Praising, Bashing, Your Call
  19. N

    How Face ID will work

    I've been trying to think about this 'differently' for a while and think I've come up with an apple like solution that explains the lack of Touch ID and how they will help make face ID secure and it's so incredibly simple. First and foremost, Touch ID was never meant to be destined for this...