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  1. White Shark

    Finder audio file preview: Want to choose the moment, where I like to start listening

    The Mac finder is very user friendly. But what I miss is that I can click on a point in an audio file to start listening there. What I mean; See the 3rd image on the right in the image below. Is that possible with a third party app? Of course I can open the audio file in a music player, but...
  2. Z

    just the trial

    Is it possible to use the latest Illu just for the days of trial and then stop using it?
  3. MacProRumours

    Stationery Pad ~ how to *list* all such files previously so marked?

    In the Finder (Info) I've checked a large number of files to be Stationery Pads (template-type files). Stationery Pad files, that I'd now like to consider together in a single Finder Window. Under the pop-up menu Kind, "Other" is listed at the bottom. One of these (as in above image) is...
  4. S

    FileFillet - Efficiently manage files with fewer Finder windows

    Developer here 👋 FileFillet is a minimalist MacOS app that simplifies file copying and moving. There is a tab shown on the side of the screen where you can drag & drop files and folders to your favorite directories. I made this as I constantly had too many Finder windows open. It is purely...
  5. K

    Missing duplicate menu and photos

    Hello. I have a MacBook Pro from 2015. It's hard drive is quite full and I would like to remove duplicate photos. I have long been aware that many duplicate file finder apps/software search only for name and/or file size. Since any of us have old photos taken on cameras what frequently have the...
  6. L

    change file name or extension without modifying the date

    i want to edit a bunch of .MOD videos to .mpg however i want to keep the same date as the original files and everytime i modify a file's name or extension, the date changed to the moment i made the modifications so for example i have those files of 2008 in .MOD format, when i click and change...
  7. R

    File Sharing between 2013 MBA and M1 Mini?

    Hello everyone! Days ago I started a thread to think which MacBook I should buy. I'm the middle of my PhD and I wanted to replace my 2013 MBA for a M1 MacBook. Nonetheless, the prices are high and I would have to buy even more docks and adapters because the newer models are basically port-less...
  8. stumblingfalk

    Finder file/folder copying and merging - Lord have mercy!

    Bear with me guys, but is there an efficient and reliable way to do this? I got two master folders, same name, same subfolder structure. They have many of the same files (thousands) but there is some discrepancies, some files missing. Versions of the files is not an issue. I just want the two...
  9. C

    Monterrey Bug that sends Photos to Trash

    Hello everyone, I recently updated my iMacM1 to Monterrey and im finding that every time y start up the Mac I find in the trash a file that comes from the photos app. I have not found any solution online, I believe im not the only person having this issue. Can anyone help me? Thanks, take care!
  10. lawlietkm

    My 2020 iMac 27" is being repaired but I'm very concerned about my files, please help me

    Hello, sorry for the dramatic title I wasn't sure how to write it. Sorry as well for the poor english, as a french native I'm not always sure of the syntaxe nor the words that are fitting the best. I'll be quick: my iMac 27" that was released late August 2020 and that has become my main machine...
  11. X

    RIGHTS issue with SMB access from Catalina to Mojave Disk

    Hey, Since I have updated my 2012 MacBook Air to Catalina (latest version) I have sometimes no access to a network shared Disk on my Mac Pro 5,1 with latest version of Mojave - other shared disks on the same computer like Macintosh SSD (Mac Pro System Disk), TimeMachine Backups can be mounted...
  12. oceanjaws

    Moved iTunes, but doesn't find songs

    Hi. A got a new MacBook Pro. Woo!! I'm using an external hard drive for iTunes, Final Cut and Photos. I'm a musician - I have a lot of music. I saved my library from my old MB to an SSD, and then told iTunes to use this as the library. I dragged the data files -'iTunes Music Library.xml' etc-...
  13. E

    Apple Kills what for ripped mp3s?

    Very, very long-time iTunes user here for my 55,000+ MP3 files (I'm an ex-dj and massive music collector). Apple announced a general statement a few weeks ago that they are killing iTunes. So what happens to folks like me with numerous iPods, iPhones, and iPads on iOS 10-12 who still...
  14. cezar.popescu.89

    Duplicate File Doctor - Find and Remove Duplicate Files

    Hello everybody, My name is Cezar Popescu and I am the CEO of 64BitApps, a software company that develops Mac apps. For more info please visit I am starting this thread as a developer on behalf of my company because I want to let you know about our Mac app called Duplicate...
  15. M

    macOS Automator - Filter and Move Files

    Hello, I have a workflow that takes all the files from a directory and any within subdirectories, then moves them. The files are filtered, then moved. But, as you can see my filter picks up three files but only moves two. This must be because it can't move two files with the same name into the...
  16. T

    2018 MBA Slow WiFi Transfers

    Has any body else experienced slower than expected network file transfers over Wifi? I have noticed transferring large video files (2GB+) from my 2018 MacBook Air to a Western Digital MyCloud NAS is 4x-5x slower than it was on my 2013 MBA. Very puzzling.
  17. maverick28

    macOS «deny file-ioctl» problem

    I'm using a Twitter Desktop client named NightOwl with older version of OS X (can't upgrade). You upload pictures to Twitter from NightOwl (aka YoruFukurou) by first setting your account with one of image hosting and sharing services, in my case from Mobypicture service and then choosing its...
  18. P

    Do you have default voice file to download?

    Hi I deleted the whole directory /System/Library/Speech/Voices/ by mistake. Stupid I know... How do I get it back? Does someone have the default voice file to download? (there was an old post but the link is dead..) OSX = 10.10.5 Thanks! Liz
  19. Princess Cake

    Removing or Hiding Proxy Icons?

    Call it a bit of OCD or perfectionism but I'd love to remove the little proxy icons at the top of title bars in OS X. I know what they're for but I've never once used them and would like to just see those little icons gone to make the visuals a bit cleaner. ...I've seen screenshots of...
  20. R

    Home says I have 26gb but only 16gb inside?

    Ok, so I've run into the problem of the dreaded 'Phantom Files'... I've recently done a big spring clean on my Macbook Pro running el Capitan 10.11.6 I've clicked on get info on my mac home icon and it says, but when I click through and click get info on all the associated files, only...