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file sharing

  1. VaZ

    AFP on Mojave Super Slow !?

    Is anyone else experiencing slower and slower AFP File Transfers with each newer os x generation to an old PPC 10.5.8 local private File Server on gigabit ethernet? Benchmarks show it can do 110MB/sec locally on the PPC G4. I noticed different os x versions produce different AFP file transfer...
  2. C

    High Sierra file sharing (public folders) not working

    Running Macs, High Sierra, in a lab environment. Serving K-12 students. File sharing important as students drop off assignments (files) to instructor computer. Dropping off files from student computers to the instructor computer using Public Folders (user-home-public folder-drop box) when file...
  3. macgenius0412

    disable sharing services on one port

    Hello all, I came across a quite disturbing issue. Well, as of last week my local university campus had decided to shut off my ethernet port because I was using a router/switch which goes against their guidelines. (stupid IT department) I tried explaining to them I still needed to use my...
  4. MBAir2010

    Exchanging files between Macs

    Hello Apple users Since most Mac users here have multiple devices that perform many functions in various places, what methods do you use to save, exchange and sync files during your busy day? Please state the method, OSXs and Apple product you are using to exchange files.
  5. Prplehz76

    Remote user that I can’t shake!

    I need some heavy duty help to shake a remote user! I’ve tried everything even had professional IT help but he’s sneaky and can disappear as quickly as he appears! I’ve got all the programs he/she is infiltrating and can see the workflow on my console. I have used sudo on my terminal and can...
  6. N

    iTunes Shared Files are old

    I keep some Numbers spreadsheets on my iPad (Air 1, iOS10) and update them there. In the File Sharing section of iTunes the documents that it is showing are like a year old. I just emailed myself one of them from Numbers on the iPad and it's way newer than the ones in iTunes. What's going on? I...
  7. JosieEli

    NAS not connecting?

    Hey folks, After downloading High Sierra 10.13.2 update, I still can't connect to my file sharing (NAS) server. I've tried the "File Sharing Fix" that Apple provided (sudo /usr/libexec/configureLocalKDC in Terminal), and that was ineffective for me. I've called Tech support twice. :( Help...
  8. Blaidd1Drwg

    Inter-connection help

    Hello! My housemates and family got me some early Xmas presents, and I'm trying to set them all up symbiotically - together and with my existing gear. What I've got so far, is fibre to the property nbn to an Optus modem/router - to the ports strip built into my apartment. Then in my room from a...
  9. M

    Access Mac through Windows 10

    Hey guys, I've followed instructions I found here: but i'm unable to make this work. Under sharing option in MAC, the IP address for sharing is like this smb:// instead of an actual IP. Still, I tried mapping the network...
  10. C

    File sharing apps

    Hi everyone, I have a voice memo file, which I'm not able to share via Messages due to its size. However, I need to share this with some other people. Is there any app which transfers and shares files (including voice memos) instantly, like wetransfer (the app does not have the feature to send...
  11. M

    File sharing over wireless external between mac and pc

    Hello everyone, I have 2 laptops, one is a macbook pro 2015 model with OS X and the other is a windows 10 laptop. I frequently travel with both and I was looking for a way to seamlessly share files between the two. I can't use any cloud drive service because my macbook is only 128gb and the...