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files app

  1. R

    What Files App Should Be

    Hey guys and gals, Wanted to get a thread going dedicated to the new Files app — and specifically what could be improved. A short blurb on what I personally think So there are two things here: the service (or “cloud”) and the client app. Let’s talk about the service first. The Service While...
  2. R

    iPad Files App / On My iPad missing iOS11/Beta7

    Unable to find the “On My iPad” in the Browse sidebar. I keep seeing in the beta screenshots. Anyone know where it went?
  3. spesifikbrush

    General How will the Files app work?

    I've been having this question since the announcement. I watched a review of iOS 11 Files app on the iPad Pro 10.5, it was showing that the "On my iPad" tab on the app was empty, and the New Folder button was greyed out. I know, it's a Beta release, but what should we expect when iOS 11 hits our...
  4. 4

    Files app and offline iCloud Drive files?

    Does anyone know whether Files will support marking files (or rather, entire folders) for offline use? Whenever I tap Info on a folder, it shows Downloaded, but the files in there are not necessarily available offline. Is this functionaility still being planned for? There’s no toggling that...
  5. maclab

    The new FILES APP

    The new files app is a big deal for productivity, been able to access all your files from one location, but the question is what will be end up been able to do with these files from this single integrated access point? We are still in early stages of beta, and apps have not been updated to...