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  1. Signum17

    How to change the Open/Save dialog icon sizes

    This has been a big issue when using the abbreviated Finder dialog boxes when opening or saving a file in a Mac app. The icons are quite tiny and many of us want that visual feedback without having to tap the Spacebar for a quick look and and as most here know, the dialogs lack the icon size...
  2. BasilFawlty

    FiiO device doesn't always show in Finder

    This is not a huge issue, but I'm somewhat curious if anyone knows why this happens. I have a FiiO High Def music player that has two Micro SD cards installed. They are both formatted as MS-DOM (Fat 32). When I plug the player into my computer, I see two drives, one for each card. TF1 and...
  3. GiddeliMac

    macOS Sierra sees boxed question marks on files saved by Windows on USB

    I saved the files shown above on a USB drive that has been ExFAT-formatted. The files were saved to it while I was using a Windows 10 PC. After I saved them, I tried to open them on my iMac (macOS Sierra Version 10.12.5). I could not. And I noticed the boxed question marks. I deleted the...
  4. D

    No Eject option on right click

    Hey everyone, It seems like I can't find the eject option when I right click on any external storage or .dmg. When I click on the eject icon in Finder's sidebar, it doesn't do anything. The only way for me to eject is with the Disk Utility app. Does anyone know why is this happening? I'm on...
  5. Laisha

    "Always Open in Cover Flow" will not stay checked

    My Finder windows now insist on opening in some ugly form which has images all over the place in a disorderly manner. I go to VIEW -> SHOW VIEW OPTIONS and click the box next to "ALWAYS OPEN IN COVER FLOW." The option below that, "BROWSE IN COVER FLOW" also checks automatically. Then I click...
  6. urbanforces

    Floating "folders" after un-tabbing finder window

    i've just "upgraded" to sierra and whenever i separate a tab from a finder window, a small folder icon appears on the desktop. sometimes it floats on top of other windows - see attached. it's really annoying - especially since i turned off automatically creating tabs instead of folder windows...
  7. mert0

    How to change folder behaviour/display of items on desktop

    Hello! I've been trying to declutter and organize my desktop and I thought, how can I make the folders play nicer? Is it possible to implement a view option, that opens a folder on the desktop with a single click, without actually opening it, and just shows its contents in a grid for easier...
  8. cubgirl

    apple keeps getting worse and worse

    i used to be a big apple person. i started on a Power PC running OS 7 in 1996. i LOVED apple for many years. now i hate it. nothing works correctly, like before about 2010. everything used to "just work" and it was intuitive. now, everything is a problem, it seems. from my apple TV, to...
  9. L

    Finder error -36 (already tried multiple solutions)

    When copying a file to a remote server I get error -36 in Finder. Copying the same file with FTP works OK, so I recon it must be a Finder problem. This was working fine some time ago however, so I am surprised to get this error now. Thus far I have tried the following to solve it: - restart...
  10. aussiemediaguy

    Finder Is Running Slow

    I have just upgraded from El Capitan to Sierra (10.12.4) and I'm still getting slow Finder response - whether using an Open File dialog, or just a Finder window - unless I've been to that folder previously, it sits there thinking for ages. I had this issue when i tried Sierra on the Public Beta...
  11. N

    Finder search does not find results!

    Recently my search results do not return when I used the search in Finder. I have already checked my spotlight preferences and everything is selected. It is also doing the same thing in my outlook (will not return search results). This is so frustrating.
  12. S

    Error Code -36 (probably corrupted file)

    Tried to transfer a .mts video file from a exFAT formatted external drive to my Mac Pro running El Capitan, had the below error. The Finder cant complete the operation because some data in "FileName.mts.MTS" cant be read or written. (Error code -36). - Yes the file name has two .mts in it...
  13. milke

    GitFinder, a new Git client for macOS with Finder integration

    Hi guys. I’m developing a new Git client for macOS, as the first product of my small company ZigZag. Its major feature is Finder integration, thus it aims to be what TortoiseGit is for Windows. Hence its name, GitFinder. The application is still in an early beta stage. Since it still isn't ready...
  14. L

    What happened to iLife, and will it ever be updated?

    From 2003 to 2013, every 1/2 years or so, apple would introduce a new version of iLife. This included iMovie, Garage Band, etc. How ever, recently, I have noticed that these apps are being updated less and less. iMovie has not scene a big update since 2013, Garage band has not scene a big update...
  15. WaxLily

    Finder suddenly not displaying file preview for Adobe Illustrator files, only application icons

    Hello, I am having an issue that's driving me CRAZY if anyone has any ideas; I work as a designer and heavily rely on Finder to show the contents of my Adobe Illustrator files (.ai) which it has always reliably done until recently; I noticed that if I restart the computer, Finder will display...
  16. S

    Finder tab bar title

    Hi, I works on multiple folder everyday (more than 10). And most of my folder name are the same, but different path, i.e: /ProjectMadrid/Calculation/ /ProjectSanFrancisco/Calculation/ /ProjectLondon/Calculation/ /ProjectMilan/Calculation/ etc By the time I opened 10 tabs, it all shows...
  17. J

    Resolved Default Application Change doesn't change preview icon

    Hi there, So immediately I appologise because I know someone will comment and say this is in the wrong forum. I've read through and this is my best guess where to put it, but honestly I'm very unfamiliar with the site so I've probably done something wrong. Please feel free to tell me where to...
  18. O

    Automator Workflow Finder Tags

    I have thousands of photos in lightroom that I am converting to JPEG to save space. The thing is that these RAW files are already categorized into different finder label tags, so when I export to JPEG these labels will be removed. Is there a way to keep these tags or just create an automator...
  19. inkwolf

    Finding Photo Files

    I am trying to make more room on my mac's hard drive by moving my photos to an external hard drive. I need to be able to transfer a copy of the photos I want to move to the external hard drive and then make sure that all extra copies (previews, thumbnails, and masters) are erased from my mac...
  20. S

    Why do my downloads keep stacking on top of previous files?

    I uploaded an image of what I'm trying to explain. Have a look at the bottom row where my new downloads keeps stacking on top of each other I tried everything that I know but it always goes back to this problem. My Finder setting are set to "Sort by: Snap to Grid" and...