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  1. D

    iPhone X [Help] Router not letting Wi-Fi Calling through

    Hello, I have an ASUS RT-AC3100 router on ASUSwrt Merlin, and something seems to be preventing my iPhone from using Wi-Fi Calling. When on any other network, it works fine, but on my network, the "Wi-Fi Calling" carrier signal shows up only for a second, as if the VPN tunnel is terminated. I...
  2. M

    Do you want the application
“" to accept incoming
 network connections?

    I have been getting this dialog every time I boot for a long time on two macs: Do you want the application
“" to accept incoming
network connections? Clicking Deny may limit the application's behavior.
This setting can be changed in the Firewall pane of
 Security & Privacy...
  3. G

    Firewalls: Radio Silence vs Little Snitch?

    Any thoughts on which is better, especially for monitoring outbound traffic?
  4. M

    How do I deny connections with an IP range?

    Hello guys I would like to know how do I deny incoming and outgoing connections with an IP range? (for example - I want to perform this task directly into the OS without using any third party software like Little Snitch or DNS or router filtering.
  5. C

    Resolved ElCap firewall blocks incoming screen sharing connections

    Hi folks, just upgraded my MBP to El Capitan, and now I can't screen-share to it unless the firewall is down. Just to be clear, Screen Sharing is working fine by itself: clients cannot connect only when the default OS X firewall is active. I'm running no other firewall software, and my...