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  1. 6

    What is this weird app?

    After installing iOS 12 I was looking through the new ScreenTime settings and on the "Always Allowed" screen I found a weird app and app icon with a name that is just a string of numbers and letters in the "Choose Apps" list. The icon of the app is a wireframe icon and the "app's" name begins...
  2. D

    Need urgent help

    Could I please get some help breaking down what some of these are? I know it’s not good, but maybe origins or an idea of why this is happening to me? Please. Forgive me, this is what I’m concerned about: IP Address: MAC Address: Hostname: iphone State: Online First seen: 12...
  3. Prplehz76

    Remote user that I can’t shake!

    I need some heavy duty help to shake a remote user! I’ve tried everything even had professional IT help but he’s sneaky and can disappear as quickly as he appears! I’ve got all the programs he/she is infiltrating and can see the workflow on my console. I have used sudo on my terminal and can...
  4. Amy Lord

    iPhone HELP: Someone hacked my iMessages, but idk how...

    So, someone hacked my iMessages from a computer on some website, took pictures of the messages on their laptop screen, and then sent them to my boyfriend trying to start a fight between us over one of my past relationships. I also went back and checked my messages, and the ones sent to my bf are...
  5. W

    System Log - How to locate when a device accessed my macbook

    Hello! Macbook OS 10.7.5 Is there ANY way to locate a device by name or mac address that accessed/hacked into my macbook and was added to my network as a "modem" - System Preferences => Network => left pane. The left pane usually just shows Wifi, ethernet and firewire (sometimes bluetooth). I...
  6. W

    iCloud Hacked 2014 MacBook Air Locked

    Ok guys i need some help. A couple of days ago my wife's iCloud was hacked from somebody in Russia. They managed to lock her her 2014 MacBook Air. After we logged into her iCloud after changing the password we tried to unlock it from there and the unlock button was grayed out. We called apple...
  7. G

    Open Port Question

    Hello, When I used the Port Scanner in Network Utility, I noticed there were 3 open TCP ports: Port 1110, which had nfs-status as its usage, Port 1538, which linked to 3ds-lm, and Port 53213 which didn't have any identified usage listed, which I found to be suspicious. Port Scan has started…...
  8. G

    Unauthorized remote access

    Hello, I've been seeing some logs that look suspicious. Particularly: 8/23/17 10:08:49.308 AM sharingd[304]: 10:08:49.307 : Device Capabilities (Handoff:YES, Instant Hotspot:YES, AirDrop:YES, Legacy AirDrop:NO, Remote Disc:YES) and 8/23/17 11:15:23.938 PM sharingd[304]: 23:15:23.937 ...
  9. G

    Logs removed? Computer hacked?

    Hi everyone, I use a program called Citrix Reciever to run an application that's not compatible with my Mac. I keep getting a message in the console stating: 8/8/17 11:42:45.885 AM[3573]: Removed log file: /Users//Library/Logs/Citrix...
  10. jbencie

    Hello, Looking for a security pro

    Howdy! I've read many a thread on this forum over the years. Thanks for all the tips. I signed up because I'm just stumped on what to do next and I would like to give back. Being a Mac user since 1987 I've learned at least a few things... Not sure where to post this because I don't see anybody...
  11. O

    My Mac is Hacked

    My mac is hacked! I'm getting illegal ads inserted in websites like Google News. What should I do?
  12. J

    Help - Lost my iPhone 6 in the Philippines

    I recently moved to Philippines, and stupidly, I left my iPhone 6 in the back of a taxi. Does anyone know if an iPhone 6 armed with Touch ID and a pin, is still susceptible to being unlocked. I have valuable information on it. Or does anyone know how likely someone is able to hack into it...
  13. P

    Mac Air Hacked...

    Hi, please see the attached video and let me know what you experts think? I've been having many strange things going on this Mac Air Please can someone check this video I have posted on youtube, thanks
  14. G

    Question about Last Login in Terminal

    Hey everyone I never use the Terminal on my Macbook Pro Retina. However, today I opened it and noticed it said the Last Login to the terminal was on June 23rd. I find this odd since I hadn't logged into the Terminal in a very long time. How is it possible it said my last login was on June...
  15. I

    Can my MacBook Air be hacked?

    okay, so I need help. I was recently in a chat room and there was someone claiming that he has my IP address. I'm scared that he can do something with it because he said he's done this before. He said he can make my life a living hell and even put my parents in jail. I'm just scared that he can...
  16. P

    Does this look like a hacked computer?

    Can someone help me to figure out what this is. I am using macbook pro and the other day i saw a blinking box for 2 minutes and got a screenshot. it looks like a distorted picture. is it related to a known virus? Also gamed process is trying to connect to internet every other minute. Is this...
  17. N

    Is my computer hacked?

    I have a Macbook Air (2010) OS 10.10.4 Today I was on the computer and my iSight camera light randomly came on. I quickly checked my dock to see if anything was running that I wasn't aware of. I saw that Java was opened and when I clicked the icon it came up as 'stub'. I immediately closed the...
  18. U

    iMessage problem, mac, iphone

    Recently i've noticed something strange going on with iMessage. My girlfriend and i both send sexually explicit photos to each other, through imessage, i have iMessage running on two macs, and an iphone. i'm able to get her photos as soon as she sends them, but they don't remain in my...