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  1. anthony818N

    iPhone List of Maps Symbols

    Does anyone know where I can find a legend or some sort of list of all the icons seen in maps?
  2. R

    Guys, please help. I found a weird icon and can't get rid of it

    This icon appeared 2 days ago, I don't know how. And it locates on the top bar of my Macbook Pro desktop. When I either single or double clicked it, nothing happened and no related notations about it. The weird icon is attached below, I can't figure out what is it. Please help :(
  3. Princess Cake

    Folder icons not displaying correctly

    In my Home folder all the icons spread out evenly across the white space of the window, but in my Documents folder the icons are all sticking to the left side. I've tried messing with all the view options and Arranging/Sorting them by kind,name,etc but they just won't budge!
  4. Princess Cake

    Getting Alias to show icon?

    I like to keep my movies on an external drive and put aliases to them on my HDD but I can't seem to make the icons work anymore... Anytime I make an alias (to a movie anyway) it just shows up as a blank white icon… anybody know how to fix this?
  5. Princess Cake

    Need iPhoto colored icons, please!

    I'm working on getting the colored sidebar icons back across my Mac and am just missing Faces/Places in iPhoto. Could anybody help? They'd be in .TIFF format inside the older versions of iPhoto (I'm not sure which) Update: Disregard ^.^ I managed to find them on an iLife '11 DVD! So many...
  6. supergaia

    how can i restore spotlight icon in menu bar?

    Hi i have used Command key and drag aways the spotlight icon from the menu bar i know it was a mistake , i did it with notification center too i wanted to arrange but my magicmouse is almost gone , i need to replace how can i restore the spotlight icon & notifcation center icon in the menu...
  7. jblagden

    Icons as Folders, Need to Convert

    Hi guys, A while back, I found some Star Trek folder icons on a website - I think it was IconFactory. To my dismay, the icons are formatted as though they're folders. This limits their utility to OS X. I'd like to be able to use the icons on Linux, but I can't because they're formatted as...
  8. BulkHedd

    Watch OS 4.0, S0 Watch, no Snapchat icon

    After updating to iOS 11 on my phone and Watch OS 4 I now get no Snapchat icon when a notification comes through on the watch. It seems that every other app works fine but with Snapchat notifications I just get that "sketch" of the icon proportions. Now, if I pull down to see notifications the...
  9. Stiopa

    iPod Calling all iPod owners with a Mac

    This topic is now outdated :) Thank you !
  10. whbunn

    Excel file icons changed to (Jack in the Box)

    On MBP running Sierra my icons on excel (2011) files has changed to a program icon I used in the 1990's . I believe it was called Zen of Mac. Looks like a little "Jack in the box". See screen shot. Any ideas on how to restore Excel icons? Bill
  11. bladerunner88

    How to find Desktop Icon in TM?

    So recently endured a full on meltdown of my Mac Pro 6.1, was finally able to re-boot into Recovery and re install OS 10.10.5 followed by Time Machine Restore. My Dilemma is I had a Custom Icon representing the Hard Drive of the Mac Pro and can't seem to find it in TM. Can anyone help me with...
  12. C

    iPhone Fix SpringBoard Layout: IconState.plist Open, Edit, Replace, Insert from Backups & Respring I

    Fix SpringBoard Layout: IconState.plist Open, Edit, Replace, Insert from Backups & Respring I've got an older iPhone 5 iOS 9.3.3 - 32 bit HomeDepot Jailbreak, slowly transferring to iPhone 6 iOS 10.2 - Yalu Jailbreak. 2015, around transition from iOS 7.1.1 to 9.0.2,the iTunes sync messed up...
  13. K

    Strange Icon Appeared Out of Nowhere!!!

    I just opened my Macbook and I noticed there was a new icon that was appearing on the desktop. It says "storage" and I don't know how anything could be created 1969. Can anyone explain this?
  14. mmmnoodlesoup

    .bat (batch) files do not show their icon in grid view

    I've made a folder of some cool Dos games in my dock. Any .bat (batch) files in this location do not show their icon in grid view, they just show the default Mac "BAT" icon: When you view this folder in finder normally, the icons appear for all file types...
  15. Ryan700

    Third party App has 2 Icons in menu bar

    My wife's MBP has 2 Bitdefender icons in the top menu bar. I tried to get rid of one but couldn't at the time. Now 2 years later I got the same thing on my MBP and this time I want to get rid of it once and for all. I don't know how it got there but I want it off. I contacted support but they...
  16. neek247

    Finder Icon Issue

    I was wondering if someone can tell me how to fix this issue with my finder icon, it has a green color around it; possibly removing and re-adding it? I dont know what happened, my computer locked itself out and then it looked like that; I would appreciate some help!
  17. ces1596

    macOS Sierra: Dock/Apps Malfunctioning? HELP!

    Hello, I recently installed MacOS Sierra on a MacBook Pro that I have restored for my fiance (previously a friend's, was extremely water-damaged and corroded , running good as new now) and everything is running great. However, anytime I open Google Chrome or Firefox from my dock, instead of...
  18. Harry Hobbs

    External hard drive Icons.

    Just bought a hard drive, when i first used it, both partitions had this icon: Then I had to format the partition, now it looks like a standard icon, Is there a way to make it go back to the original design? I know its petty but the difference between the two is annoying me.
  19. di1in

    Double Calendar icon on El Capitan?

    Not sure if the captain is drunk, but the calendar icon on my mac running El Capitan shows the date twice on the icon since today morning. I've attached screenshots. Anyone else seeing this issue? I am running 10.11.6.
  20. D

    [Mac App] Osketch - Free Version

    Hello everyone, I'd like to present you Osketch, a free mac app. Osketch is a vector graphic design tool. It's lightweight, easy to use, and powerful. Osketch has many modern features. In Osketch, you can use any graphic as a mask, fill a shape with multiple modes, layout texts on a path...