I have a confusing problem with my iPhone 6, with iOS 9 on it. It is a 16GB phone and I have always struggled with running out of storage space. In my Storage section is often shows that I have 0 Bytes of space available.
Here is the issue. I have been going through text and iMessages and...
I have an Iphone 7plus and a Macbook Pro 2015; Im having problems activating imessage on the iphone and macbook using my apple ID, the error message "An Error occurred during activation. Try Again." appears when I try to use my apple Id on my iphone & macbook. Does anyone have a solution, Ive...
Hey guys.
So I got the iPhone 7 plus and restored the back up from my 6. Everything works fine I'm loving the phone but iMessage can't be activated it.
Anyone with this problem or anyone have a solution? Thanks in advance!
I cannot login to iMessage, log out of iCloud, do anything in the App Store.
When I try to login to iMessage: "An error occurred during authentication"
When I try to go to the App Store: "Didn't get a response from the apple software update server"
I have tried everything from deleting...
Sorry if this is wrong place
When I change Apple password in https://appleid.apple.com, iMessage window appears (while still logged into Apple account) and asks for password change for [apple id email I use].
I don't use iMessage though. Is it normal? I always agree and type my password in...
Hi all! My company recently released a sticker pack for iMessage called Real NYC. It captures what New York is actually like—not just the touristy parts—and we did it all with photos we took ourselves.
Check out our promo site: realstickers.nyc
Find us in the iMessage App Store: Real NYC
Hello all,
I have a weird problem with Messages and despite extensive searching, I can't seem to find a way around it. Of course I may have missed something obvious, so feel free to bash me. :)
The issue is very simple: every time I send an image, either from my Mac (Sierra) or my iPhone...
so I just got my iPhone 7 plus yesterday! Yay. I've read numerous reports online that the Taptic Engine should and will kick in when you send or receive full screen inessage effects. (Fireworks, lasers, etc. ) I've read it should vibrate With the bang of the fireworks and such. I am having no...
Anyone else find it very annoying to have to delete threads on every Apple device you own, one by one....
Every text from co workers, verification codes, weather alerts, bank messages, on and on...
Having to delete these from iPhone, Macbook Pro, Apple Watch, iPad mini... is frustrating.
Hi everyone,
I am new to this community and specially to the iOS Development World. I just want to share to all of you the Sticker Pack i made for iMessage. I hope that you can support my work.
Mooo Stickers Pack for iOS iMessage App.
Give more life to your messages with our cute cow...
Just wanted to post this here if anyone was interested in checking out my Nautical sticker pack in the iMessage App Store. Nothing quite like it out yet!
Are you someone who feels like they need to be at the beach, on a boat, or simply vacationing at any given time? Do you find yourself...
Hello! Before the official release of iOS 10, I've had a beta. In that beta I was able to use on my iPhone 5S a future in iMessage called "#images". Is there still a way for me to access it if i don't want to upgrade my phone?
Hey everyone, I recently created my very first iOS app! It's an iMessage sticker pack app mostly for millennials and college kids. It's called Sticker University and has a lot of really cool images. You can download it here https://appsto.re/us/q78Veb.i. I'd really appreciate if you all could...
We share videos a lot amongst the family. I have an iPhone 6 and a iPad mini 2. When a video is sent to me via iMessage I get on both devices. When I download the videos to my computer the ones received by the iPhone are a much lower resolution than the same video received by the iPad...
Lock screen notifications for iMessage and SMS aren't alerting. They act like the phone is on DND. All other alerts work normally. If I disable iMessage alerts work. Anyone else?
Title says it all really.
After reading about the NSFW GIFs in iMessage, I entered a load of 'bad' words.
Now they are all listed in the search history and I want to delete them.
Any ideas?