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  1. Trickhot3102

    iPad Side by side video from iPad iMovie app?

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to put two videos side by side in the iPad iMovie app. I want to use it for my music, because I can play one part in one video and another part in the other. If there is a way to do this, how? Also if not, what apps can I use to do it? Thanks!!
  2. P

    No sound when exporting iMovie project in HD (missing AAC codec)

    Hi there everyone! I am facing a problem when trying to export a finished project from iMovie as an HD video, it has no sound! Here's the scenario: MacBook Pro (Mid 2010), OS X El Capitan 10.11.2, around 90GB free space on the hard-drive, iMovie '09 (Version8.0.6) The project is finished...
  3. macworksgreat

    iMovie on my iMac 5k will not move a project to thumb drive

    I have a project in my iMovie - a 60 minute video of a wedding my wife took on her iPhone. Anyway I set it to music, etc and after when I try to move the finished project to a thumb drive in order to give it to the bride..It will copy have of it on the thumb drive then I get an error message...