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  1. cocoua

    iPhone X Human Interface Guidelines

    the indicator at the bottom seems like a real pain in the ass from a design point of view, as well as the rounded corners, not to talk about the notch interfering even with full screens videos!!!. apps developers will have a lot of work here with this 2 iPhone factors coexisting, (as the form...
  2. marty1980

    1334 x 750

    There is probably a reasonable manufacturing process reason for the iPhone 8 to stick with a 1334 x 750 screen resolution. However, I'm a bit disappointed for people interested in the iPhone 8 whose retina screen hasn't improved much in years. I'm in the opinion that Apple should have matched...
  3. gower2352

    Carrier Sprint 2017 iPhone 8 PreOrder Thread

    Does everyone have Marci's email?? Hahaha :):):) I hope and pray Sprint has their stuff together this year! I know Sprint sent an email out a few weeks ago about signing up to be the first to hear about new devices. They weren't specific though as to what those devices were.
  4. oliverames

    (POLL) What iPhone X Color Will You Buy

    What color will be this year's most popular?
  5. Exxhara

    iPhone X Keynote is only one day away. What are you doing to prepare..

    The Apple Keynote for the anniversary edition of the iPhone is only ONE day away. What are you doing to prepare? Anyone taking the work day off? Any iPhone pre-release rituals? It's my first time so i'm curious how everyone else is coping.
  6. Mr Cicc

    Was it a dream or...

    I cant seem to find the video I saw or think I saw a day or 2 ago posted on facebook of the supposedly iphone 8/Edition/X. I don't know if it was a conceptual design or an accidental premature released video either...but I want to share what I can recall seeing and hopefully if someone else saw...