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  1. kt180

    iPod touch ipod touch dying while charging. please help.

    My ipod isn't even a year old, the battery keeps draining while im using it whilst its charging. its never done this before. never jailbroken. have dropped it a few times. Will i need to replace the battery? or a new charger? i use the ipad charger dock thingy, and the original cable for the...
  2. A

    iPod Is there a way to make music automatically play at a certain time

    I want to set christmas music outside with my lights and want to make my ipod play every night from 6-9pm is there a way I can get it to start playing at 6 if im not home to manually press play? I've tried alarms but then the music keeps playing I wont be able to turn off the alarm when im not home?
  3. O

    iPod touch 16 gb 1g iPod Touch won't reboot after restore

    I have a first generation 16 GB iPod Touch for which I have someone who is going to buy it off of me. It was working totally fine last night but since I was going to sell it I attempted to restore it. I plugged it into my iMac and clicked the restore button in iTunes and let it do its thing. I...