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itunes 12

  1. mrgreeneyes

    iTunes glitch

    Hey i have some sort of glitch, under the artist view in iTunes, various of the artists that have, so close to 100 entries, basically 1 entry for each song on each album i have tried to rename all the artists to be the same, and same with the album names. and nothing happens. i have no idea...
  2. rodgersmc

    Artist Pictures Gone: iTunes Update

    Updated to the new iTunes today (on El Cap 10.11.6), and now have artist pictures/graphics for only two artists: Wilco and Frankie Ocean. Anyone else lose artist pictures, or know how to get them back? To be clear: I'm referring to artist graphics for my downloaded library. Not album art, which...
  3. U

    Updated Itunes to 12.5.1 iCloud music library not working

    I updated to the latest version of Itunes 12.5.1 with the MacOS Sierra beta today and right when I updated it and it was loading I am getting an iCloud music library message "Una le to connect to iCloud Music Library" I logged out and tried to log in and all my music from apple music is not...
  4. PaperQueen

    iTunes > select song > Add to iPad is missing?

    For whatever reason, iTunes refuses to copy a playlist consisting of six recordings (non-iCloud matchable) to my iPad Air 2, which is making me crazy. Tried dragging the playlist onto the iPad's icon in the lefthand panel, but no go. Files just tumbled back down to their spot on the laptop's...
  5. asggold

    iTunes on External drive connect remote (over WAN)

    Ok! There are many articles out there about how to run iTunes from an external drive and/or NAS drive. However, what none of them seem to cover is the way you can connect to that external/NAS drive from outside your home network. Here is the situation I am trying to solve for: I have a...
  6. rsdotscot

    iTunes ( suddenly won't import MP4 files

    Hi folks, I'm trying to import an MP4 into my iTunes library after running it through Handbrake (I always use the same settings) like I have since time immemorial, and suddenly it won't accept the files. I've tried it with a few different MP4 files and no luck. I've tried dragging them into the...
  7. J

    iTunes unusable because of read / write issues

    Hi there, Hope someone can help with this problem as I am at the end of my tether with it and my iTunes has been rendered next to useless. The problem began a week or so ago and predominantly arises when I select a track and try to access its metadata to make changes - either through right...
  8. albojeff

    Reset Plays in iTunes is gone

    I can no longer right click on a song(s) in iTunes 12.4 to reset the play count. What happened? It was available in the previous versions.
  9. blackxacto

    Why has iTunes12.3.3 stopped seeing newly created pdf's?

    As of two weeks ago, iTunes12.3.3 has stopped recognizing any newly created pdfs that are stored in iBooks 1.5. This means as of two weeks ago there is NO SYNCING new pdfs to any device I own using iTunes12.3.3. Trashed iBooks app and iTunes app, xml file, & plists I have reinstalled El Capitan...
  10. J

    How to sync videos to iPad

    I have numerous videos that I have shot with my iPad. I have backed up the videos on my Mac, and have deleted some of them from my iPad. I cannot figure out how to get these videos back onto my iPad. I can view them on my Mac in the Photos app, but cannot sync them to my iPad. Any ideas...
  11. ohenriquez

    Need help import songs to iTunes in specific order

    Dear Forum members I have struggled to import songs into specific order I had carefully named songs starting with 0001 to 1000 ( I wrote numbers before name of the songs) I created a list of songs from 1 to 1000 (my favourites songs in that order) as I wanted to listen to them with my iPhone 6S...
  12. PaTech21

    OS X El Capitan Itunes High CPU Usage

    I have the latest updates of El Capitan and Itunes on a 2015 rMBP. Recently I have noticed smooth scrolling issues inside itunes, some in chrome and some in firefox.... but mostly Itunes when using the touch pad only. I can see the cpu usage going well above 100 percent when scrolling through...
  13. 0

    iTunes 12.3: Won't let me disable Automatic Downloads

    Under Preferences > Store > Automatic Downloads, if I uncheck Music, Apps and Books (the only boxes that are ticked) and close the Preferences window, those items are re-checked the next time I open Preferences. I've tried deleting the file, and both the localstorage...
  14. buttongerald

    Serious Problem

    Greetings all. I recently was able to downgrade my iMac to OS X Mavericks 10.9.5. I was struggling with this for weeks and after some time browsing here and creating a thread, I got some answers and solutions and I am now back on the OS that ran best on my iMac. Anyway, my iPhone however has...