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  1. aljawad

    Apple Silicon and the return of the Macintosh Server?

    Something has been nagging my brain since WWDC: the repeated mentions of Linux during the keynote. What if Apple was hinting at something major in the pipeline? For years the company attempted to enter the server market, think of the generations of Xserve from the G4 to Intel. Yet while the...
  2. carcarano

    Tansfer Linux data.

    Hi all. I have a Linux computer, and just today I added Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS alongside my already installed version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I had what I think is a virus infect my computer, but (Thank God) I was able to clear it out. Does anybody have any tips on how to sync my stuff from 20.04 to...
  3. carcarano

    Linux Computer Black Screen

    Hi everyone. I have a Linux computer running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and I was loving it a lot. So one day about two weeks ago, I logged in to my computer so I could check my MacRumors Forums, just like I do everyday, and I logged in to my computer. After the usual loading symbol, I waited for it to...
  4. imrazor

    Cross platform file systems (Mac, Linux, Windows)

    I've been trying for a while now to find a good file system to format external drives with. For a long time the best choice was plain old FAT32, but since it has a 4GB (or is it 2GB?) file size limit it's not good for transferring large video files, or holding games that use large archive files...
  5. theANY

    Setting up a PowerPC Mac in 2020

    I always was fascinated by every device Apple produced. Especially the devices produced in the mid 2000’s I do like. The design of the aluminium PowerBook G4 inspired every following MacBook (Pro) and was really state-of-the-art. Okay, they have some issues: the G4 PPC CPUs are well-known for...
  6. IslandDon

    [Solved] nvidia-340 on MacBook Pro 6,2 with Mint Mate 19.3 not working

    edit: So the audio is now working, and I actually stumbled upon this very post while doing some web searching for answers, so I figured I'd just note that things are working. Details are in the thread linked below. Hi, all. I've been having an adventure over on the Linux Mint forum trying to...
  7. mothchip

    iMac 4,1 can't update EFI or SMC firmware

    Hello! I hope this is the right place. I tried to post to the Netkas forums but it's not sending me an activation email for some reason. I have an iMac 4,1 I picked up from a garage sale that I'm trying to install Linux to, but can't. I believe the core issue is that I cannot update the boot...
  8. S.B.G

    Rice My Desktop. Linux/BSD

    A little play on words there from that TV show (that I've never seen) "Pimp My Ride." Any serious *nix user should know about ricing which the term seems to have originated on r/unixporn. Ricing: Anyway, I thought we could have a thread to do...
  9. t8er8

    Linux KVM of Windows 10 on Mac? or Mac KVM of Windows 10

    I've been using Bootcamp on my Mac Pro 5,1 running Windows 10, I'm really starting to hate using it for various reasons. I need Windows 10 for certain school related programs and for the occasional gaming. I wanted to look into my options of running VM's of Windows with high speeds, without...
  10. S

    Disk Utility crashed while partitioning, can't boot into or restore MacOS

    Hi all, I have an iMac 14,1 with a 1TB HDD, formerly running Mojave. I was creating a partition for a Linux installation when Disk Utility crashed. I reopened it to find that the partition for Linux exists but is in APFS format, and my MacOS partition has been renamed to disk0s2 with 'unknown'...
  11. dstraigh

    -newermt doesn't work with find command?

    I'm trying to use something like this: find . -type f -newermt 2007-06-07 ! -newermt 2007-06-08 -iname "*file*.txt" But get a "command not found" error - and it looks like it's because of -newermt I'm reasonaly sure I've used the above command in the past. Has something changed with macOS...
  12. fhturner

    MP 1,1-5,1 Quick help: establish Linux boot option on SATA drive

    Hey Everyone— This may be more suited to an OS forum, but since this is on a Mac Pro and I consider this forum my "home forum" :D I'm asking here for a quick bit of advice. In order to use Ubuntu and an LSI SAS card to format a bunch of SAS drives w/ sg3_utils, I ran Unetbootin on one Mac Pro...
  13. necreation

    Zombie Soup (Mac Playable Demo)

    Hi guys. I'm an indiegames developer of Zombie Soup. It's a retro action shooter adventure game following the fate of a kid to shoot, loot and dodge tool his way to save a girl from the evil lurking in the dark. You are Ricky, a college kid on backpack seeking his own adventures out in the...
  14. Appleuser201

    Should I Install Debian 10 Linux on 600mhz iMac G3

    I would like to install a form of modern Linux on my 600mhz G3... preferably Debian 10. Has anyone tried the new Debian 10 on a G3 yet? I imagine it won't be snappy, but is it slow to the point of being unusable? The second thing is someone mentioned that installing any form of Linux (2014 and...
  15. S.B.G

    Happy Birthday to Linux

    28 years ago today (August 25, 1991) Linus Torvalds created what would become Linux.!msg/comp.os.minix/dlNtH7RRrGA/SwRavCzVE7gJ At the time he never thought it would become be "big and professional." While it hasn't come close to the level of Windows, or it's...
  16. E

    Unsupported macOS or experiment with Linux? MBP 15 late 2008.

    Hi, I'm new to the forum so sorry if I ask in the wrong thread but and have some questions regarding how to keep using my MBP 15 late 2008 2,4GHz. I'm thinking of how to get a modern OS on it. Either patched unsupported MacOS or switching to Linux. I'm actually interested in multi booting...
  17. CocktailHour

    Format ext, Copy Files

    Hello! I'm running 10.13.6, and need to put my film on a Linux formatted drive so that a movie theater can play it. This means I need to format a thumbdrive for say, ext3, then mount it, and then use something like cp to copy the files over. Been searching all over, but only finding...
  18. Appleuser201

    Is Linux still worth it on a G3? Anyone currently doing this?

    I know nothing about linux on intel or ppc... never used it, only seen videos about it. Ive seen threads posted here on linux and I am now wondering, A G5 quad is very fast on linux and G4s are actually quite usable (from videos ive seen), but can a G3 be made usable today for light...
  19. B

    Linux OS for a new user

    Hello users, This question may be offtopic here, but i need your kind suggestions. I am now going to reinstall an operating system in my computer. I had Windows 10 earlier. Now I am thinking to use Linux. I have not used it before so I have a few doubts. Will it be difficult to use and...
  20. Appleuser201

    PowerMac G5 Linux Performance

    I haven't seen a G5 be so fast on the internet before, is this video real? YouTube plays smoothly at 720p 60 frames per second using firefox 47. Is 16.04 ubuntu always this good on older G5's?