Ten years after their release and these Mac Pros are still a lot of fun to own and to work on. I have worked on a lot of original Mac Pro 1,1's and have managed to resurrect many from what was seemingly certain death. This last one, however, has me stumped.
I picked this up as a throw-in...
Currently using a 12 core Mac Pro installed with 1 GTX 970. The card is the windows version and I don't want to flash the card because it's insanely expensive. I could, however, trade my Radeon 5770 for a GT 120. I need the Mac card so I can instal the proper drivers during updates, get the boot...
Just received a 2009 Mac Pro with 10.10.5 Yosemite installed. Whenever I try running the firmware update tool I get the 5570 error message. What should I do?
Update: had the firmware update disk image named wrong. I download both version 1 and 1.5. Version 1.5 got renamed with -2.dmg. Now...