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  1. AjTee

    AirPods Max quieter on MacBook Pro then on iPhone

    Hello, I am owner of AirPods Max. I have connected them to my new MacBook Pro 14" with macOS 12.1. I have noticed that sound on them is quieter then when they are in use with iPhone 12 Pro with newest iOS. I have noticed it in Music app. Volume is maxed out on them in system and in Music app...
  2. AjTee

    Resolved Messenger app - issue with logging

    Hello, I use Messenger app on my Macbook everyday. Today I faced issue with login to app. I am getting "Account Temporarily Unavailable" error when login to Messenger using official Facebook app on macOS. Application is fully updated. System is also fully updated. I am on macOS 12.1. Once...
  3. GoztepeEge

    FaceTime bug on 2021 MBP 14" Monterey 12.1

    Hi all! I noticed a FaceTime bug while I was using it on my 2021 MBP 14", running on Monterey 12.1. When I try to start a FaceTime call, it starts however it feels a bit problematic, like struggling and a bit slow. A video call starts in the landscape mode for my camera, does not matter if the...
  4. G

    Hanging up on Data & Privacy Login

    We are setting up a new 27 inch iMac here. It is running Big Sur 11.6. I create first user upon setup with no issue. I create another user - standard user. Everytime I try first login on that user, the OS hangs up on Data & Privacy window. I just get the spinning wheel. Any clues?
  5. jezbd1997

    Monterey 12.1 WindowServer high cpu

    New MacBook Pro 14 user here! Since updating to 12.1 yesterday I've noticed it's been running warmer running minimal tasks and I've been checking activity monitor and noticed WindowServer is the culprit! I saw another new MacBook Pro 14 user posted the same thing. Anyone else experiencing this...
  6. M

    What comes after OSX/macOS?

    I remember when Steve Jobs introduced OSX, and its NEXTSTEP and UNIX underpinnings, and I seem to recall him saying this was laying the foundation for the next 20 years of the Mac operating system. And here we are 20 years later. macOS has changed a LOT since the aqua design language but it's...
  7. O

    M1 Air has no Wi-Fi even in recovery mode. Can I restore using apple configurator?

    I used Erase Mac with my m1 Air which couldn't connect to Wi-Fi in recoveryOS and now it is stuck with activation lock (not iCloud lock, it is a device based locke and the mac only needs to talk to apple servers in orther to be activated). I guess the Wi-Fi problem is emanating from some sort of...
  8. G

    Find out if internal nvme connector is broken

    The ssd in my macbook pro mid 2014 recently died so i booted into the macbook through an external drive. Now i would like to know if the connector is the problem before i buy a new ssd. so how can I find out if the connector is the problem before buying a new ssd?
  9. ApplesAreSweet&Sour

    Are malware scanner/blockers necessary or even helpful in 2021?

    I am currently using Malwarebytes and the price for a subscription isn't too bad. But obviously, any price is too much if the app can't actually do anything about the worst malware out there. And another question is if I am even in danger, considering that I'm just using this Mac privately, as...
  10. Slartibart

    BetterDummy solves the scaling/fuzzy or too small display problems on AppleSilicon/MacOS BigSur&Monterey

    If you use Apple Silicon-powered Macs with some third-party monitors the results can be quite disappointing: text and icons can appear too tiny or blurry, or the available resolutions are lower than what the displays are actually capable of. BetterDummy to rescue! There is an interview with...
  11. C

    iMac 2011 Gpu failed

    Hi macrumors. I hope I can find help here. I have a 2011 27°” iMac specs 16gb ram 1333 i7 3.4 some radeon card 850 Evo ssd 1tb The Gpu isn’t working anymore it burned about and getting hot every time I’m starting it. The Mac isn’t booting it just shows a white screen when I start it. I can’t...
  12. rlxone

    Equinox - app for creating macOS dynamic wallpapers

    Hello, MacRumors! 🙂 I wanted to share with you the app that I worked on for a few months. The goal of my app is to give the users ability to create macOS dynamic wallpapers without a lot of hard work. Also, it's free and open-source!
  13. Macintosh TV

    Apple macOS Evolution (1984 - 2021)

    A very cool look at macOS through the years.
  14. Open-Source-Norange

    3d Modeling Software that won't turn my MacBook into a heating pad

    I really wanna dive into the world of 3d modeling and sculpting, but I honestly have no idea what software is the best to use. I hear about all types of them like Blender, Maya, Mudbox and many others, but I have no idea what there strengths and weaknesses are. Not only that, but I do know 3d...
  15. brante

    How does macOS install apps downloaded from Mac App Store?

    Hi As far as I know generally when you try to download an app from Mac App Store eventually it will create a folder in /var/folders/XX/[alphanumerics]/C/[UUID] and then 4 files will be downloaded, .pkg .pfpkg receipt & flyingicon. I know it's so...
  16. K

    Create Windows 11 Bootable USB without Bootcamp?

    My kid's laptop was infected with virus and suddenly unable to get into the desktop. It keeps saying password incorrect. I can confirm the password is right as well as the input. So I decide to install latest Windows 11 on it and I already got the Windows 11 ISO on my Mac. However, when I plug...
  17. GSWForever8

    Run python in terminal?

    How do you run python in macOS terminal?
  18. ivanwi11iams

    Universal Spark email app

    Curious, why do YOU, use Spark on iOS (or Mac OS)? Currently, I am working with a vendor, and they use Spark (they told me about it). However, often, when they respond to an email chain, my part of the conversation does not show up (in Outlook for Windows). Rather odd. So, as an iOS and Mac...
  19. flottenheimer

    Quick Look plugin for .eps files?

    Does anyone know of a plugin that enables Quick Look to preview/support .eps (and possibly .ai) files? Free or cheap would be extrasuperawesome : ) Any help would be much appreciated. (Must work on Apple Silicon + Monterey)
  20. allan.nyholm

    IconChamp 1.0.1 released to the public

    Hello, I am bringing the news that IconChamp 1.0.1 is released to the public. Previously available via macEnhance's Discord server. There's currently not any other application on the market that does what IconChamp does with System Integrity Protection still being enabled. That way IconChamp...