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mail app

  1. J

    MBA Mac Mail 75% CPU

    Hey there, I use mac mail with gmail on a macbook air for work. I've noticed a huge slow down in the past few days. I went to check my activity monitor and Mail is using anywhere from 60 - 100% of my cpu! I've been trying all kinds of things to get rid of this with no luck. I wish I could just...
  2. Aquamite

    Automatically remove junk mail

    It's really annoying when a daily pile of junk mail appears in the junk inbox forcing me to repeat the same process of: open the junk mail inbox, select every message, move them to the trash, empty the trash, several times every single day. I'm tired of it. I want Apple Mail to delete the junk...
  3. C

    iPhone mail app question

    Hey guys, Hopefully I'm posting this in the correct forum. I have a question about the mail app, and it showing the badge app icon on my iPhone. I have 3 email accounts setup. For the one account, I have my inbox syncing, and another subfolder of my inbox syncing. I have a rule setup in...
  4. Y

    mail on iPad using way too much cellular data (>10GB a month)

    hello all. mail app (with no accounts) has used a total of 158GB worth of data on my grandmother's iPad. she called me a couple of days ago, saying that her internet was not working and, after a little investigation, we found out that she reached her data cap (15GB a month) did anyone had a...
  5. dawindmg08

    Issues with work email accounts

    Happy New Year, all! I'm trying to troubleshoot some email issues at my office (we're small so I'm the go-to tech guy, plus I've been on Macs for a long time) which have started to become a major problem. Over the holidays we had to respond to some clients and we (there's 3 of us) suddenly had...
  6. D

    Resolved A Modest Proposal For Custom Account Setup In Mail.App

    This holiday weekend I tasked myself with setting up new email service on three Macs. One was on El Capitan, one on Mavericks, and one on (dare I admit it) Tiger. provides a remarkably smooth voyage for setting up the services it is aware of such as iCloud and GMail.However I needed to...
  7. M

    Mail App/Gmail Problems

    I use the standard Mail App on my iMac along with Gmail's website (web mail) about equally when sending emails. I have never had any issues until about a month ago. Now I am seeing that certain emails I send are not finding their target, and also, certain emails I reply to are also not making...