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  1. M

    strange malware detected in library

    Prosoft DriveGenius 5.1, running under OS 10.13.2, detected two malware-infected files which I don't know what to do with. There is an option when running the malware scan to "move infected files to trash," but I elected to delete them manually (if at all) since I do not know what they do and...
  2. A

    Mac adware not going away

    Hi! I've done a mistake by downloading an uknown application on my macbook which have caused me an annoying adware where everytime I click or press enter an ad about "mac cleanup" always appears. I haven't had this problem before, so I blame the software I was trying to download. After...
  3. O

    "ABP.A" File - Malware?

    Hello everyone, I've enjoyed finding information from the well informed users of Mac Rumors for several years of mac ownership, and now I have run across a question that the internet does not readily have the answer to, so I've finally made an account (so thanks to everyone who has helped me in...
  4. W

    Woke up to find my ex-partner physically accessing my mac, installed software... need help

    Long story here. But, I need some help ensuring that my computer is not doing anything it should not be... Essentially, My ex was revealed to be a very bad person, and I have a court order to keep him away. One night I awoke to find him frantically trying to close out some windows on my...
  5. J

    Lock Screen Application Used To Make A Virus/Ransomeware

    Hi, While searching through macOS I came about an application located in /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/AppleVNCServer.bundle/Contents/Support/ called This application, as I understand it, locks a mac users computer and make the touch bar, keyboard...
  6. LegacyUser12

    Seeking expert to assist, concerned I have been hacked!

    Thank you for reading and I appreciate anyone willing to help as I do not have the resources financially right now to deal with Apple or tech service. Situation: I procrastinated on my income taxes, filing them last night at extension deadline. Had a couple tabs open in Safari with various...
  7. jadot

    Society Cake Safari Extension - Malware?

    I've just had a random Safari Extension try to install calling itself "Society Cake' - the extension description said something like "can read safari web pages, especially passwords" just before I deleted it. It wanted to stay. IU haven't found any other reference to it. Anyone else?
  8. mshoffmann

    Malware alert:

    Has anyone here encountered an Evil piece of malware called goqrench? It hijacks your browser, in my case Google Chrome, and redirects to their bogus browser. I have tried every tip I have found on the web to get rid of it with no success. It is the first time I have had a virus on my Mac and it...
  9. maclad

    MacSpy and MacRansom

    Is this a concern, or a typical Daily Mail scare story:- "Mac users are being warned to be vigilant after two separate pieces of malware have emerged from the dark web. The tools have been specifically developed to allow would-be hackers to takeover Apple's desktop and laptop machines, and...
  10. D

    I found a weird file in the trash. Should I be concerned?

    I just noticed a file called "mb3-setup-consumer-" in my trash. This is definitely not something that I put there and since it's an .exe file it doesn't seem to be something that the OS would put there either. Googling it results in a lot of sketchy websites giving...
  11. Oblivious.Robot

    Does anyone know what YC-SoundRecord is?

    Updated my 2012 Macbook Pro recently to 10.12.4 and today while watching a Youtube video, I noticed an unusual thing while increasing the sound. Malwarebyte didn't find anything and I have no idea what that is either, the only two things I recently installed are Chrome and Avast. It's 2:30am...
  12. BrenKB

    Curious to know if there is a VPN set up on every phone that is used for updates?

    My last phone, a Samsung 6S, had a VPN set up on it that had to be utilizing our wifi. The way I discovered it was the fact that all our devices would freeze occasionally, all at the same time, and one day while I was on my tablet and it froze, and my phone was lying near and it made a sound...
  13. N

    Possible persistent Spyware/Malware on iPhone 6S?

    Hello there, this is my first post here for a concern that has been going on for the past two years. I have a stock iPhone 6s that was never jailbroken or out of my possession, but somehow feel that there is spyware that has somehow installed itself remotely. I took the precaution of factory...
  14. M

    New Mac viruses weekly?

    Hi! My whole family uses this mac but mostly its me and another one who knows a lot of computers. We don't download any files usually and we still get viruses almost weekly! And the viruses come to a user who uses this mac maybe once in a week and she just checks her email. Why do we get these...
  15. B


    Hi, I am having trouble removing Lunaticake which changes your search engines etc without the users authority. Even though it comes with an 'install' folder - which has no effect. Any help appreciated.
  16. A

    Soundflower Malware

    I want to download a software Soundflower. it's software that allows you to record the screen as well as the audio at the same time. I want to download it from this website– Has anyone else downloaded this software from this website? I...
  17. Poncho

    Keep getting hit up by SSH requests. Hackers?

    Over the last few weeks Little Snitch keeps alerting me to SSH requests from external sources at different IP addresses. I deny them. If I allow them am I giving remote access to my computer to hackers? I ask because if you Google the IP addres ses it comes up with Chinese hacker references...
  18. migueljoao

    malware and pop-ups

    lately my macbook pro has been very slow even writing the letters take a break before adding them , when im in safari a lot of pop ups appears mackepper and things like that i want do remove it all and i don't know how ,, please help and sorry for my bad english
  19. A

    Adexc on Mac with Safari

    I was browsing an iOS development forum the other day, clicked on a link in one of the questions, and about 10 new tabs opened up (appearing blank) with the final page leading to some random medical psychology URL. In looking at my browser history, I could see that the original link I had...
  20. T

    'Spigot' malware deleted but browsers still not responding?

    Hi I'm new here! I somehow managed to infect my poor Mac with the 'spigot' malware (also labelled under searchme.safariextz ???) which came up detected on my AVG Antivirus installed I put it in quarantine unsure whether to delete it or not Ended up deleting it But since then my browsers still...