I'm providing "tech support" for an elderly family member, and she keeps right-clicking on things with the mouse by mistake -- just due to dexterity issues. She only ever needs to left-click on things, and is making all kinds of trouble with that right-click button.
The Mouse control panel used...
The cursor is accelerated when you check "Enhance pointer precision" on Windows 10-11. This is the default setting.
What is the exact value of this parameter to set on the LinearMouse app to get precisely the same behavior on macOS with the same mouse hardware? This value can be set in a range...
Back in 2008 I had a program on my MacBook running 10.6 called wiimote whiteboard. It was a free download, (still out there but doesn't work with Big Sur) and would allow you to connect a wiimote to your MacBook via Bluetooth. The program would then put a series of crosshairs on the screen...