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music app

  1. JippaLippa

    Apple Music Apple Music and Podcasts not syncing between Mac and iPhone

    I love the idea of the apple ecosystem, and I even sacrificed a lot of performance by getting a mac studio for work instead of a windows PC costing half as much (and still having probably been more powerful), but sometimes the lack of functionality is so frustrating... I got onboard the full...
  2. Sowelu

    Music App: Any way to copy local playlists and retain Ratings and Favorites?

    In the year 2024, I am still burning playlists to DVDs just so that I can share them and import them onto other Macs. It seems like this method is still the only way to copy and move a playlist while retaining the Star Ratings and Favorite (heart) status. I've tried the 'Playlist Export' (XML)...
  3. D

    Artists in Music app is highlighted differently

    All of the other sidebar items are highlighted in red like below. But Artists is grey with a red stroke. I have restarted, quit music, changed the order, hidden/shown that sidebar item, played music from a different sidebar item like Albums, Songs, or even different playlists. Anyone know...
  4. K

    Error prevents importing CDs using Music app

    Today I tried to import two cds to add to my library. Each time I get an error. I can no long import any cds. There also is a long delay before cd is recognized. Just a few days ago I updated the MacOS to the latest version; 14.3.1. This is an iMac M1 with Apple Superdrive. My last CD import...
  5. Europe calling

    Music app wrecked after update to 14.3.1

    After updating yesterday, now my Music app can't play any songs or albums anymore, only streaming services. It gives me an 54 error when the Music app starts. Very annoying, hopefully it will be fixed. I tried to find and restore it from a backup but search does not know...
  6. sza

    Resolved Where are the purchased songs?

    I am on iOS 17.3. The music app doesn’t show my purchased songs anymore. I don’t have Apple Music subscription. The purchased songs don’t show on iTunes’ purchased tab either. Please help!
  7. Wanted797

    Apple music Lock Screen widget remains after using CarPlay.

    Maybe I’m just missing something but every time I use CarPlay (wired) and listen to music, when I get out of the car I will have the music widget on my Lock Screen with the song paused. I can’t get rid of the widget even if I go into running apps, Apple Music is NOT running. To remove the...
  8. MikeMcCollister

    How do I move iTunes Library from Windows to macOS 12.x That Does Not Have iTunes

    Over the years I have ripped my CD to MP3s on Windows and imported the files into iTunes. I have the song ratings embedded into the MP3 and iTunes maintains the song ratings in its own database. I am now interested in getting a MacBook Air soon and am using an old MacBook Air running macOS...
  9. W

    iCloud, Music and Photos

    I really want to clean my iMac, as the 1tb drive is 3/4 full. All my music (all 23,000 songs) are in the cloud, as are all my photos. I want to delete the files off my HD, but I am not sure how to do that without losing anything. I would also like to make safety copies onto externals. Is...
  10. p0mme

    Apple Music (the Itunes replacement, not the streaming subscription) 'up next'

    Music on MacOS: using the ⌥ Option key as quicker way to click & choose several ‘up next tracks’ 👋🏻 👋🏻 For as long as I can remember in iTunes on Macs, I used the ⌥ Option key as a short-cut to click & choose ‘up next tracks’ Press & hold the option key, then click click click in the first...
  11. J

    Lyrics without Apple Music subscription?

    My preference is to keep using my own music library, forged over decades from recording off the radio and mix tapes with mates, ripping CDs, Napster, playlists, and increasingly-curmudgeonly ways... I have my reasons. Apple's ecosystem is certainly moving towards their subscription service. I...
  12. Mainyehc's “Recently Added” view completely borked by Apple in Sonoma

    I'll keep it short: apparently, Apple has deliberately turned “Recently Added” view, a heretofore useful feature for perusing your library in chronological order like you would, say, your library, into what is essentially a glorified “Recents” stack for albums, having capped its...
  13. mrdoodle

    Universal “Hey Siri, play this album” no longer works?

    For years, I’ve used this command to play the entire album that has the currently playing song. For example, if I’m listening to a playlist or “radio” and a song comes on and I want to listen to the full album that the song is on, I used to just say “Play this album” This no longer works. It...
  14. P

    Display issues: Change size on Finder and Music/iTunes sidebar?

    OS: OSX Catalina 10.15.7 Computer: MBP Retina 13" Late 2012 Monitor/Display: U2518D 25” 1440p DELL UltraSharp 25 Monitor. 59,88hz. Cable: mDP to DP cable Other: Disabled MBP display with small magnet above left USB-port. ----------------------------------------------- Question 1: Resizing...
  15. Danorak81

    Apple Music Starting to hate Apple Music…

    Hi all, I’ve been building my music collection since my first iBook in 2000: I have quite an extensive library. I made the switch to Apple Music as part of the whole subscription in 2019 (fitness, news etc). First of all, it made a mess of it all. Took days (not surprised, lots of music) and...
  16. J

    Apple Music Migrating to a new computer

    Apologies, I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but I can't find a thread that matches my case much. So, I am an Apple Music subscriber, iTunes user from the first version, and someone who has transitioned from having one personal Mac to having several older Macs. I had one designated...
  17. S

    Screensaver setting doesn't work

    tvOS has this screensaver setting: Problem is, it never works. It didn't work in my Apple TV 4K 2021, and it doesn't work in the 2022 (yes, I'm one of the suckers who bought the 2022 version that had barely anything new compared to the 2021, not even a decent DAC to output 96 Khz audio)...
  18. J

    download old iCloud music library

    Hey all, Back in the day, before Apple Music, before the Music app, I used iTunes and subscribed to iTunes Match; I had my own bought (and ripped from CD) music library uploaded to the cloud this way. I then kept my music library locally, and backed up via time machine. Many eons and computers...
  19. A

    CarPlay Issues with CarPlay disconnecting iPhone while playing music and driving

    I’m currently driving a year old Nissan with CarPlay and plugging in (not even relying on Bluetooth) my iPhone 13PM into it and for two or three years maybe, it plays like clockwork. Seemingly, since the release of iOS 16.4 or so, I set up the phone plugged in, play music from Apple Music, start...
  20. haralds

    Apple Music Music forgets tracks are local

    I am subscribed to the Apple One Family plan including Apple Music, which includes Match. I have a lifetime of building my library with close to 60000 tracks. Apple Music frequently forgets that a local track exists and wants to download it again. There seems to be no way to add the track back...