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  1. M

    Music app and disappearing tracks from smart playlists

    Something weird just happened with the Music app on Catalina. I have a smart playlist with some rules. I've got the playlist on shuffle and when I hear a song I like, I drag it into another playlist. The track then disappears from the smart playlist completely. It's still in my library, and...
  2. Wiencon

    Universal I didn’t like the official Spotify app so I made an alternative myself

    My app, Plum Music Player recently got an awesome update which allows you to build your own folders inside of the app. They can consist of albums, artists and most importantly playlists! Check out video showing the app on Imgur! Spotify is a great platform, with awesome curated playlists and...
  3. R

    iMac G4: How did people optimize it for making music? (MIDI rec latency issue)

    I'd like to occasionally use my G4 for musical drafting. I put an SSD into the iMac recently, but haven't updated the RAM from the 1GB it has now. I probably will eventually, but somehow it feels like it's not the culprit, or that it's not the only culprit to the issue. The issue is that even...
  4. bianqurenfm

    Since I don’t like the appearance of Apple’s own player, I created a free music player by programming😺🐶

    Click for details ? ? you can also use it to chat with people all over the world when you are bored ✌
  5. purdnost

    Typed Siri Commands in Shortcuts?

    Since the Apple Music app doesn't display song release dates, unless you navigate to the album, I want to type out the Siri command "When was this song released" to run as a shortcut. Is that possible?
  6. R

    How to keep device able to receive media from 2 MBPs without switching settings every time

    What do I need to do to be able to use both my MBPs, a 2009 on 10.11.6 and a 2015 on Catalina, to put audio on to the same device, iPhone 6, without having to cut the cable so to speak on one n order to link to the other? This is for manual transfer, not synced, and of personal audio not...
  7. T

    Best memory and storage for old MacBook Pro?

    Hi all, I’ve been given an old MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012 - 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5) and a box of extras - memory and storage mostly. It looks like there is some decent stuff here. Are there any aficionados that could tell me what I should install and what I should sell? (I'll mainly be using...
  8. dawindmg08

    Music store purchases show duplicates with cloud icon; any way to globally hide these?

    Apologies if this has been covered, but I couldn't find any recent notices in the search: I'm fairly new to Catalina and the new Music app. Just made some purchases from the store and I'm noticing consistent behavior with my new purchases (songs or albums): duplicate files are shown of each...
  9. kht410

    iPod touch iPhone + iPod Touch combo?

    Anyone here uses an iPod Touch alongside their iPhone? If so, how are your use cases with them? I know iPods are not really a thing anymore in 2020 and the tech itself is very outdated. But for me personally it has a nostalgic value to it. It was my first ever Apple device as a kid and I’ll...
  10. supremeleader573

    iMac G3 DV internal modifications

    Hi, I have recently acquired a motherboard for an iMac DV from eBay. I have found instructions to add an ATX power supply and VGA monitor, but I would like to add more modifications. A few years ago, I made a guitar preamp for my Mac Pro and I would like to build this in to my iMac mod...
  11. purdnost

    Smart Playlists - Sort by Year?

    I've created smart playlists to group music from different decades (70s, 80s, 90s...). The rules for the playlists involve a date range (1990-1999). However, the music within these playlists are not sorted by year. They're all mixed up. I would like them to be sorted by year, ascending. Is there...
  12. Piipperi

    Music app missing all album art

    I've had this problem ever since updating to Catalina last year where a lot of my album art was missing. I recently got a bit annoyed about it and decided to go around and look for a fix. I found some tutorial that said that I would need to remove some 3 files from...
  13. Behnam Afshar

    2013 vs 2015 vs 2017

    Hello to you all hope you are keeping it safe. Since i have been creating more music in this quarantine my 2010 macbook is going on my nervs giving me the system overload message, so wanted to ask you guys about the config which one is better for me to buy since i want logic pro x to do its best...
  14. nick_iphone7

    iPhone 7/Plus .

  15. throwaway738382

    New songs won't copy from music app on Macbook to music app on iPhone

    iPhone 11 and Macbook Air early 2014 I've recently stopped being able to sync my music from the music app (Catalina, so basically iTunes) to my iPhone. These songs weren't purchased on iTunes, most of them were downloaded from the internet (let's not get into legal and ethical issues here...
  16. haralds

    Sync Music and iTunes Libraries to iCloud without duplication?

    I have a very large library that is carefully curated and synced to iCloud (iTunes Match.) I recently migrated my main computer to Music and TV. On my laptops I do not start out with local music and just download as needed from iTunes Match/Apple Music. I have a duplicate library running under...
  17. Dave Wehr

    Playing Music from Siri Watch Face

    the Siri watch face will suggest music and when I tap it I get an option to play on iPhone. Every time I do that it says there was a problem.
  18. Codpeace

    MP All Models Question about RAM and the new Mac Pro

    Hey, so I’m an enthusiast and super excited about the new Mac Pro. I’m reading all I can about it bc it’s fascinating to me how much creative folk (who are my clients; I’m a lawyer who advises artists, filmmakers, musicians, etc.) are craving this machine. I have no need for a machine like this...
  19. S

    Music app, missing artwork

    I recently made a clean install of Catalina on my iMac 2017. Way to much problems updating from Mojave to Catalina. I always keep my itunes library files and music on a separate external HD. After importing the XML in the new music app, can't figure out how, but I 'm missing all my artwork in...
  20. K

    Song sorting not syncing with Catalina

    Before Catalina, the songs on my iPhone's Music playlists were sorted by last played date. After Catalina, the songs on the iPhone are now sorted by Artist in reverse alphabetical order, but this is not how they are sorted in macOS Music app. What is going on here?