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  1. AidenShaw

    All the signs say Apple's out of touch

    Troy Wolverton is a tech writer for Cupertino's home town daily. He's fairly balanced, but does have an occasional nip of Kool-Aid. Wolverton: Apple out of touch with both fans and average consumers ... continue at...
  2. M

    Dongle Gate or just change..again?

    Apple’s Dongle Gate? It’s not that often you see the tech world’s hefty reaction and that many headlines of “angry” or disappointed people and potential customers, to a new product like Apple have “given” us all at the launch of their new MacBook Pro. Although very few people at this moment of...
  3. J

    Disappointed with iOS 10

    Long time lurker here. I just want to voice my opinion on iOS 10 and maybe give some guidance to those who are thinking about updating but haven't yet. After quite some time of trying to decide whether or not to install iOS 10 on my iPhone 6S, I did it tonight and I think I've made a huge...
  4. DarkExistence

    iPhone 7 dummy! (I know its out tomorrow!)

    Yes, I know the iPhone 7 is out tomorrow and yes, I know that many people have posted this many times but I have decided to post what my dummy looks like, and give a few opinions, my opinions! :) The iPhone 7 will launch tomorrow, September 7th. I decided to give this dummy a quick look over...
  5. K

    Space Grey Apple Watch (42mm) with Scuba Blue Nylon Band

    Does anyone have the 42mm Space Grey Apple Watch with Scuba Blue Nylon band ? Thoughts and pictures would be great!
  6. HansumKingtut

    Resolved Looking for honest opinion/review

    So I am looking for an honest opinion/review of the Watch. I know the capabilities, I have read the reviews (by all the major tech websites), and watched all the reviews on YouTube. But none of these really answer the questions (and maybe problems) I have about the Watch. Let me start off with...
  7. robwithhair

    iOS Arguments for Native App Development

    I'm an iOS developer but over the years I've had to write many Hybrid applications in Cordova. I frequently find I could make the apps so much quicker using interface builder and swift / objective-c but get forced into writing Hybrid Javascript web apps because that is what managers are 'used...
  8. E

    Resolved rMBPs are not bright enough in my opinion?

    Everytime I go to a best buy or Apple store, I try to brighten up the laptop screens. They seem so dim to me. Does anybody think this way too?? They make the screens brighter in the next update...