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  1. snak-atak

    Did Apple Change The Password Policies on the Mac?

    I woke up this morning and logged into my Mac (Ventura 13.2.1). For some reason, it required me to change my password before I could log in. I never had to do that before. On top of that, it requires a >=14 character password. My last password was not that long and I prefer to keep it that...
  2. A

    How to open a terminal window before the login?

    Dear All, I don't know the password of the only account of my iBook G4 that has OS 10.5.8. There are several methods to bypass this problem. One of them is to change (All) All in passwd: all in the single user mode as it's described here: I...

    Keychain Apps

    Does anyone know of a good 3rd party app that lets you browse through/interact with your Keychain? They made a lot of progress in Ventura with the newer passwords interface in System Preferences, err, System Settings, but there's things missing like Secure Notes and such that you can only get...
  4. Z

    compressing files with a password

    Is there a free file-compressing app that you would you suggest, one that will have an option to set a password for protecting the compressed files?
  5. kecinzer

    Safari keep asking for user/password for HTTP auth

    I have few intranet sites that requires http auth user/password. Even if I have it saved in keychain, site keep asking me for this credentials and I need to fill it manually every time. Is there some trick, to not asi me each time, or some hidden settings? I googled it but without success. Thanks.
  6. nes203

    Keyboard Shortcut For PASSWORDS (System Preferences)

    Can I Create A Keyboard Shortcut To Show Passwords? I don't see how I can set a shortcut for a specific page (Passwords) in System Preferences. -- Can I create an automater workflow to open the passwords page and link that to a keyboard shortcut? (I use Better Touch Tool for my custom...
  7. A

    Cannot login to some Apps - Password IS Correct!

    I noticed this issue with Netflix after upgrading my 13 to 14. Had iOS 16 prior but did not check these apps before the transfer/upgrade. I cannot login to Netflix or AAA as it says invalid password. The passwords are correct because I can login to the websites of each with the same info...
  8. PandaNix

    iCloud password chain doesn't work

    When I got the new MPB all the sites gave me an option to use the stored passwords. Then it stoped - don't get the option anymore. I assume I did something to accidentally select this. How do I get it to refill my email as well as my passwords from iCloud? it works fine on the iPhone/iPad.
  9. 7

    Need help with iCloud keychain backup

    Hi, I have MacBook pro MacOS Monterey, my room mate friend [lets call him X] logged out of my Apple ID on my Mac and used his Apple ID to logged in and used it for some days. The same person X used my another room mate's iPad [lets call him Y] with X's credentials after logging Y's out of his...
  10. Rebani

    My iPhone requires password after every call

    Hi all My iPhone requires password after every phonecall… pretty annoying. Anyone knows how to fix it? A small video is attached here.
  11. liser k.

    Creating Permissions on Mac Trash Bin

    I want to be able to set permissions to my trash bin like you used to do on earlier OS. My goal is - in order to move a file to the trash bin you have to enter the Admin password before completing the move.
  12. M

    iPhone looking for password/protected notes app

    Hi, I'm looking for an app that can do ALL of the following: - Allow me to keep a list of all of my passowords (including usernames & site names) - Allow me to search by site name (if I want to easily find my Facebook pass, for example) - Allow to backup the whole content easily, to somewhere I...
  13. Benuathanasia

    Mac locking Active Directory Account

    IT department at my work can't figure this out: My work issued MacBook is connected to the district Active Directory through the employer Network Account Server - I use my AD password to login to my MacBook and anyone else from my work with an AD password can login to my MacBook if they need...
  14. tudoapple

    migration failed to new MacBook Air Monterey

    I backed up 11 years old MacBook Air High Sierra with TimeMachine. Connected hard drive to new MacBook Air and started that. It found TimeMachine and did all that work well. Then started new MacBook Air with Monterey. Old user appears and asks password. It does not work. I tried cmd+r. That does...
  15. GoztepeEge

    iCloud Keychain does not get activated after resetting the password on the MacBook

    Hi! I just got an extremely weird issue. I tried to disable the password protection on my MBP, I got system preferences, users&groups, and I just clicked "change password" for my login account on the device. I typed my current password and left blank for the new password, it asked me to make...
  16. mac_in_tosh

    Encrypted drive password is requested in all accounts

    This happens every time I mount my password-protected Time Machine external drive in my (administrator) MacBook Pro account and then eject it when done. When any other account on the machine is entered at a later time, the window requesting the drive's password is displayed and one has to click...
  17. A

    AirPlay Music Streaming Broken in iOS 15?

    new ipad mini 6 and trying to stream music to airplay enabled receiver. previously was able to select receiver from list of available devices. with iOS 15 i am being asked for airplay password. there is no password. this is a device certified by the mfr to be airplay enabled, works as an airplay...
  18. D

    Secure Note Password

    Hello, I'm using Big Sur 11.4, I just changed the (MacBook Air) login password and straight away I can't get access to my Secure Notes in Keychain Access, the old password doesn't work either. I changed the password back to what it was originally and that didn't work either. I tried creating a...
  19. SpicyTrigger

    [SOLVED] iPadOS: Not Autofilling Passwords

    Hi there, I'm new to the whole iPadOS thing and tried to search for my issue but didn't seem to find any other posts or solutions. As soon as I connect my iPad Pro 11" (2021) to the Magic Keyboard the option to autofill passwords is not shown anymore. I tested Safari & Firefox, in neither of...
  20. OverSpun

    MacOS 11.2.3's Mail now keeps asking for Exchange password?

    I use exchange for my work email. This has not been happening before, it may be from a recent update. I deleted all old passwords from keychain in an attempt to fix it but that did not resolve the issue. Has anyone else dealt with this issue?