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pdf editor

  1. W

    Software for the M1 Mac Mini

    I am seriously leaning toward buying a refurbished M1 Mac Mini w/ 16 GB of RAM from Apple direct. Previously, I had an agreement with a local business office that gave me a partially-subsidized subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud (ACC), which gave me access to InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator...
  2. OrangeCuse44

    iPad iPad PDF editor NOT subscription based?

    Is there any quality iPad PDF editor that isn’t based on a subscription payment model? I have no problem buying an app but refuse to rent one for $50ish a year. Crazy to me. Thanks.
  3. aaronelkins

    Open Source & Free PDF editor for Mac.

    I am working on an open source & free PDF editor for Mac, called PEP (PDF Editing Program). It will be a lightweight alternative for Adobe Acrobat. Check it out if you are interested in.
  4. S

    iPad Pro Text Edit bug driving me crazy - please help!!

    I have a shiny new iPad Pro 11 (which I’m delighted with) and have been doing some work on PDFs - filling forms using markup and then adding simple text boxs. All was going well until the following day I when back to re-edit the text. When I select the text box and then edit, the text box...
  5. blackxacto

    Anyone have a Terminal command?

    I want to FORCE Mojave Books to open pdf's in my pdf editor, NOT PREVIEW. I have done the old select a pdf+Apple+I, then designate my editor to open all pdf's. DOES NOT work in Mojave. Anyone know a way?
  6. Huntn

    Surprising Preview

    Who says you need Acobe Acrobat Pro or another PDF program? OS X: Combining PDF documents using Preview Use Preview to crop an image into a circle: Use the Select tool to crop in Preview – OS X Tutorial
  7. L

    PDF edits to text conversion

    My need would seem simple: I want to eliminate paper, so I am hunting a good PDF editor to use on my iPad using a pen. Once my edits are done, I’d like to be able to use software (OCR app?) to read my handwritten notes, strikethroughs, etc., and then convert into a text file like Pages or Word...
  8. H

    Preview/Skim hangs in macOS Sierra

    I am using latexmk to compile files written in Latex in OS X (macOS Sierra : 10.12.4) to pdf. Recently I am facing that such pdf files are not being opened through Preview or Skim pdf editor! In fact, both hang forever. Earlier I didn't have such an issue. Has anyone encountered the same and...
  9. zachlegomaniac

    PDF Editor

    Can anyone recommend a PDF Editor they use and are happy with that is a one time payment for the app? I see some on the app store that are well rated, but some are free and some are 60$. Thanks! ZLM
  10. Chupa Chupa

    Alternatives to Acrobat Pro?

    Are there any solid alternatives to Acrobat Pro. I'm not into subscriptions. I'm looking for something that: scanner to PDF functionality merges multiple documents to PDF create PDF forms fills out PDF forms edit and annotate PDFs in an intuitive word processor-like method including cut and...
  11. App Tyrant

    PDF Image Xtractor on the Mac App Store

    Hi all. Figured I'd share with the community PDF Image Xtractor on the Mac App Store. What does the app do? You guessed it, it extracts images out of PDF files. It is running on sale for a limited time at just $0.99 (80% off). Demo video and screenshots below. Demo Video: Screenshots:
  12. serkan

    PDF Editor for Free ?

    Hi guys, I need help for one simple app. I used to have Adobe Acrobat DC for editing my PDF's but now I don't really want to pay anymore for just changing the writings on a pdf. Can you help me find out a good PDF editor for free ? I have checked online and all I can find is the trial...
  13. A

    Universal Best Productivity App For IOS

    MobileOffice - Word Processor and Reader for Microsoft Office Description THE BEST DOCUMENT EDITING AND MANAGEMENT SUITE FOR IPHONE AND IPAD. + Create and Edit Documents on your iPhone or iPad. + Create and Edit Spreadsheets + Scan documents and convert to PDF + Create Hand-Written notes...
  14. Z

    PDF App, Apple Pencil, Forms, Bookmarks.

    Hey gang, Could anyone recommend a PDF app for my IPad Pro, that supports Apple Pencil, Forms, bookmarks, and cloud drives. I've tried a few but the ones I've tried lack in some manor or another. PDF Max, Apple Pencil works badly. PDF Expert, No way to disable PDFs from Automatically...