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  1. JippaLippa

    Apple Music Apple Music and Podcasts not syncing between Mac and iPhone

    I love the idea of the apple ecosystem, and I even sacrificed a lot of performance by getting a mac studio for work instead of a windows PC costing half as much (and still having probably been more powerful), but sometimes the lack of functionality is so frustrating... I got onboard the full...
  2. C

    Podcasts App and "Up Next" Clutter

    Hello! The last few versions of Podcasts across iOS/watchOS/macOS seem to have a behavior where if you play any episode of a podcast, it decides you now want to see all new episodes of that podcast in the Home tab, despite not being subscribed. I despise this, but I don't think it can be...
  3. bebarhood

    Universal Apple Podcast show unavailable

    I have a particular podcast that I listen to "Monday Morning Podcast" hosted by Bill Burr. Dec 18th episode was the last one I was able to listen to and download. Anything after that is "unavailable". All the other podcast are being downloaded and fine. The problem also happened on another...
  4. AstroRexaur

    Apples' podcast app stutters on my AW Ultra

    Im having this problem since 1 week. Every time I go on a walk and want to listen to my podcasts (apple app) using cellular data on my Apple Watch Ultra, the podcast episode starts to stutter and pausing and playing (like it's buffering like a Youtube video) after like 30 mins of listening. I...
  5. kecinzer

    Apple Podcasts - order of saved episodes

    Is there any way, how to order saved/downloaded podcast episodes? I added 5 episodes of one my favorite podcast, but is sorted from newest to oldest episode. I don't found way, how to reorder it from Watch. So it plays me newer episodes first besides I manually switching it.
  6. S

    Podcasts app continuous playback keeps ON

    iOS 15.5, been this way for awhile.. in Settings/Podcasts the continuous playback keeps turning back ON even though I keep turning it OFF because I hate that feature! How is it possible that Apple developers themselves haven’t noticed this when going about their day listening to podcasts???
  7. D

    How can I import podcasts from iTunes into the new Podcasts app, especially those episodes that are not available anymore?

    I am manually migrating from Sierra to Monterey and I don't understand how to copy my podcasts over. In iTunes, I have large library of downloaded episodes that are not available in the respective feeds anymore. (Some shows only let you listen to the last 20 episodes or so.) How can I import...
  8. mrfabio

    iPhone Podcast app issue while subscribing to a show

    Hello, I am running on a iPhone 12 Pro with iOS 15.2.1 and the apple Podcast app, which was my first choice, is often showing that waiting icon forever (top right) while I try to subscribe to a show. Do you know why? Is it happening to you too?
  9. Chahineatallah

    podcast app issue

    hello, when using podcast app, if you put some episodes in your next section , after sometime this list just disappears, and you need to make a new list again for listening anyone having this issue, i realized it started with ios 15
  10. capathy21

    iPad Pro Record separately for remote podcast on iPad Pro?

    I have successfully moved my entire workflow to the iPad Pro with one exception. I am unable to find a way to host a meeting/call where I can record more than one individual track for a podcast. On my Mac, I would use Zoom to record the tracks separately and then pull them into garage band for...
  11. C

    Podcast App Issues

    I know there are many threads lamenting about the Podcast App's shortcomings. Here's mine. I have my iPhone SE set up to sync podcasts from my iMac. This only happens randomly, some days all my podcasts will sync, somedays only some of them will. I don't like it but even after hours on the...
  12. TheGreatWumpus

    OS X New Mac Gaming Podcast launched! 3 Episodes out - Comments/feedback welcome.

    Hello! Myself and some friends have launched a new Mac gaming podcast called "MacGameCast." The goal is to cover Mac gaming in many ways, from current games to history, culture and tech. We’re 3 episodes in, with many more planned. So far we’ve talked about: * The current state of Mac gaming...
  13. TheGreatWumpus

    OS X (Re)starting a Mac gaming podcast - looking for some co-hosts!

    Hi all! Way back in the day (circa 2012) I restarted the InsideMacGames podcast, and after a few episodes, I renamed it to my own thing. This ran for 30+ episodes, ending sometime in 2015. Honestly, I never did much to promote it. But I had some fabulous co-hosts, and we had some very fun...
  14. S

    How to upload audio file to Vimeo?

    Is it possible to upload an audio file to Vimeo? I have a podcast in draft form that I want a few colleagues to review. The file's too big to attach to an email. I converted the .mp3 files to a .mov file but Vimeo gives me a message saying it's not uploading. Perhaps there's no way to use...
  15. CJ Dorschel

    Advice for a podcast/videocast Mic

    A friend and I are interested in starting a podcast/videocast and she got a Blue Yeti. I have never done it before and have been checking out the Blue Yeticaster Pro as I have 3 5K displays and a large desk - the arm would be perfect. Currently running Catalina as I have Big Sur on a laptop and...
  16. D

    Does this Podcast display bug happen on newer iPadPros?

    I have a 9.7" iPad Pro and I was wondering if this bug exists in the 11" iPad Pro or new iPad Air. This issue has persisted since iPadOS 13 and possibly iPadOS 12 and I was expecting Apple to update the app to use the current Music Now-Playing panel but they haven't. This is what the...
  17. pipetogrep

    My buddy and I made a podcast episode about PowerPC history and Macs

    Hi all, Shameless plug: My buddy @Melchieor and I have a podcast called Forkbomb where we talk about (usually) retro tech related stuff. We just finished an episode about PowerPC processors and Macs. I figured I'd share. I hope y'all enjoy it and thanks for listening...
  18. liev_

    Download folder for Podcast app

    Hi! I used to be able to find the mp3 files of downloaded podcasts in the iTunes music (hehe) folder, but I can't seem to find where the podcast app downoads them. Does anyone know where this folder resides? Thanks so much! Lieven
  19. M

    Video newb has questions

    I'll be starting a Youtube channel and also want to do some interviews in podcast format. All of this will be breaking new ground so I have some basic questions regarding overall setup. I assume that for the most part I won't be tethering my Canon EOS DSLR to keep freedom of hand held shooting...
  20. SamIchi

    iTunes Podcast Preferences Never Work/Save

    I know iTunes has it's share of problems, but this one irks me a lot. Does anyone else have a problem with the "sort order" and play order? I change the sort order to have the newest on top, but eventually it defaults back to "oldest on top". I would also like the play order be from oldest to...