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  1. odestan

    Reading PC formated HDs

    I am running 10.9.5 on Mac Powerbook from 2011. I would like to read files on an external HD formated for a PC. Is there some way I can do this? I would very much appreciate any help. Thank you.
  2. J

    Do you have an old PowerBook 3400?

    Hey guys.. I'm scavenging for a Serial port cover and also the back door for a Powerbook 3400c.
  3. J

    Looking for a copy of Mac OS X Server 1.0

    Hello guys. I have a PowerBook 3400c with 200MHz, 144MB Ram & 4 GB of CF storage. I read somewhere that this machine can run the very first server edition of Mac OS X. Does anyone have a copy you might want to sell? I don't need a retail box (though if you still have it, will be nice).
  4. bobesch

    Black screen on Powerbook G4 12" and PowerMac G4 733

    First: Powerbook G4 12" display problem: Need some help. Got a cheap 12" Powerbook G4 at the bay primarily for spare parts - sold as defect with stripes on the display. Came in in great shape with a decent battery and 1GB RAM brick. I booted it with the help of my own working 12" Powerbook G4...
  5. thehackbookguy

    I'll be the proud owner of a 1.67ghz PB G4 17"

    I just bought a 1440x900 17" Max Ram Powerbook G4 and I'm ultra happy. (not my ad) :
  6. AmazingHenry

    What Do You Recommend For a PPC Laptop?

    I'm currently using a 1.33GHz iBook G4 as my main laptop computer and I'm thinking about getting something a bit better, such as a PowerBook. I don't think I want to go with the 1.67GHz, as those are a little pricey when compared to other PPC laptops. What do you recommend for a low-cost, fast...
  7. redheeler

    12" PowerBook G4 Score!

    Got this little gem today at a Savers thrift store for $9.99. I had no idea if it worked, and it unfortunately came without a power supply, but I just couldn't pass it up. After correcting a bend in the case by the power port, I plugged it in and it booted up. Turns out it's a 2005 1.5 GHz with...
  8. bobesch

    Powerbook - Yellow Screen Issue

    Got a 15" PB 1.5GHz for fifty bucks at the bay. Everything perfect except the yellow tint of the screen. Like the new iOS "NightShift" view, but it cannot switched off... It migth be the ultimate device for night shifts, but I will certainly get a depression if I should be force to look all day...
  9. paulcross22

    PowerBook G4 1.5ghz 17" SSD - how it went!

    Hi All, So I posted recently about my revived Powerbook G4 - and I'm now finally (almost) there with the upgrades! I've owned this PowerBook since September 2010 and I used it for the final part of my GCSEs and the best part of my A-Levels to do photoshop on a write a lot of coursework. So...
  10. paulcross22

    Best IDE SDD & other worthwhile tweaks

    Hi Guys, New to the forum- I have a 2004 PowerBook G4 17'' which I've owned since 2010. Been a great machine through my A-Levels to do IT coursework & use photoshop for art & design. I've owned other machines but this will always have a special place in my heart :) Can anyone recommend a...
  11. L

    PowerBook G4 Help Please

    Hey all. I'm new to MacRumours. I recently brought a 17" PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz/2GB/100GB/128MB VRAM Its running OSX 10.5.8 but when I installed something there was an issue and I had to force off holding the power button. Now when I turn it on, it takes around 5 minutes from Logo to load but...